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POD November 30  October 4. G OOD MORNING ! Write agenda/hw in planner. Start POD Nov. 30  Dec. 4 POD In a few sentences, write about how you used math.

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Presentation on theme: "POD November 30  October 4. G OOD MORNING ! Write agenda/hw in planner. Start POD Nov. 30  Dec. 4 POD In a few sentences, write about how you used math."— Presentation transcript:

1 POD November 30  October 4

2 G OOD MORNING ! Write agenda/hw in planner. Start POD Nov. 30  Dec. 4 POD In a few sentences, write about how you used math over the holiday break.

3 W RITE AGENDA / HW IN PLANNER. C OMPLETE POD T AKE OUT YOUR JOURNAL Jennifer is making handmade ornaments to sell for the holidays. Each ornament cost $1.00, glitter cost $0.85, and glue cost $0.49. If she sells each ornament for $4.00, how much of a profit will she make on one ornament?

4 W RITE AGENDA / HW IN PLANNER. L EAVE HOMEWORK ON YOUR DESK. C OMPLETE POD. Kodie swam 5 miles on Friday. On Saturday she swam 2.4 miles less than she did on Friday. How far did Kodie swim on both days?

5 U NCOVER – 1 WHOLE, U NCOVER - 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 1. Each player covers their whole strip with the two 1/2 pieces. 2. Take turns rolling the dice. 3. On your turn, take one of three options: remove a piece only if you have a piece the size indicated by the fraction facing up on the die. exchange any of the pieces on your whole strip for equivalent pieces. do nothing 4. Check with your partner to be sure they agree with what you did. After finishing your turn, say "Done" and pass the die to your partner. 5. First player who removes all pieces exactly from the whole strip wins.

6 U NCOVER On your turn, take one of three options: 1. remove a piece only if you have a piece the size indicated by the fraction facing up on the die. 2. exchange any of the pieces on your whole strip for equivalent pieces. 3. do nothing

7 W RITE AGENDA / HW IN PLANNER. NO POD TODAY. Study for your test. If you have your review today or corrections for me to check, please let me know. You need a pencil, folder, and book. Options after the test: Silently read your book. Get paper and a restaurant menu. Solve the word problems Also write about what you liked and did not like about the menu or problems.

8 G OOD AFTERNOON ! You have 5 minutes of study time. Recess will be at the end of class when all students are finished.

9 W RITE AGENDA / HW IN PLANNER C OMPLETE POD – POD S ARE DUE TODAY ! Aiden is going to Taco Bueno to eat lunch. He decides to get a chicken taco for $2.49, churro for $1.50 and a cherry Dr. Pepper for $1.75. If Aiden pays with a 10 dollar bill, how much change will he get back?

10 W RITE AGENDA / HW IN PLANNER S TART POD D EC. 7  11 Raven and Trenton are reading the same book from the library. Raven has read 5/8 of the book and Trenton has read 4/8 of the book. Who has read more of the book.? Show your answer using the correct comparison symbol as well as a picture, model, or number line. UPS is not needed today.

11 W RITE AGENDA / HW TODAY. No POD today. If you have scissors and colored pencils, markers, or crayons, you will need them today.

12 D OOR D ECORATION 1 snowflake each 1-2 green hand outline 1-2 ornaments (must be smaller than hand outline) Olaf Words/Motto

13 W RITE AGENDA IN PLANNER C OMPLETE POD Brenna spent $109 on her most expensive jacket and $57.28 on her least expensive jacket. Bryan spent $158.97 on his most expensive jacket and $49.50 on his least expensive jacket. How much more did Brenna spend on her most expensive jacket than on her least expensive one?

14 A DD TO T ABLE OF C ONTENTS DateTopicPage 12-9-15Ways to Compare Fractions39 12-9-15Finding Common Denominators to Compare Fractions 40

15 C OMPARING F RACTIONS Common denominators standardize the size of the pieces; therefore, compare the number of pieces (numerator) Larger numerator → more equal-size fractional pieces → larger fraction Smaller numerator → fewer equal-size fractional pieces → smaller fraction


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