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Lecturer: Eduard Campbell October 2015 Social media in the English classroom Source: Pixabay (no attribution.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturer: Eduard Campbell October 2015 Social media in the English classroom Source: Pixabay (no attribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturer: Eduard Campbell E-mail: October 2015 Social media in the English classroom Source: Pixabay (no attribution required) This work by Eduard Campbell is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

2 (Teaching note: Start class with a video that addresses social media in the English class, but does not say much about “how” to use it)

3 How useful was this video? How is it supplying useful information on the integration of social media into the classroom?

4 How could we use social media in the English classroom as an educational tool?

5 Is social media “public” or “personal”?

6 (Teaching note: show parts of “Incorporating social media into the classroom” by Dr William J. Ward. You can find this video on Youtube and TedxKalamazoo)

7 Power is knowing the difference: 1.In groups, discuss the difference between the two social media platforms that you draw from the hat. 2.Discuss how those two platforms could be used in the learning area from the curriculum that you drew, by specifically drawing on the differences between the platforms 3.Share with the class Image by LaunchGuru

8 Commenting on social media… 1.Go to my blog at and make suggestions regarding the integration of social media into the English class as an educational tool 2.You can post links, start intelligent discussions (on the topic), or simply return to the blog now and then to see if I posted anything new 3.When I have enough ideas, I will summarise the discussion and post it on the blog

9 Dealing with the “privacy” of social media – creating “aliases”: Creating a persona that embodies an aspect of you, but that is not the “private you” Aiding in filtering information that is relevant Making that information accessible to your learners to help them in their searches Encouraging your learners to create aliases themselves…

10 “Ed Campbell” – Composer/singer/pianist “Vorster” – Afrikaans acoustic music for charity “DL4TBlog” – Digital Literacies for teachers “Eduard Campbell” – Wine writer and enthusiast “Eponymous” – The rest of my personal interests (electronics, music tech, the brain…) Examples of digital identities: (Teaching note: the lecturer should use his/her own digital identities here. This slide is only an example.)

11 Identifying your digital identities (example using Tumblr): 1.Write down and define your digital identities, just like I did (this you can do in class now) 2.If you don’t already have one, create an identity for the “English Teacher”-you 3.Create an account for this persona on Tumblr 4.Search Tumblr for Tumblr blogs that connect with the English curriculum and follow them 5.The above people’s posts will now appear on your dashboard 6.If something you see could be helpful to your learners, reblog it, making sure that you reblog it to your “English Teacher” tumblr blog 7.Your students can be expected then to follow your “English Teacher” alias, not the private you

12 The how-to: agement

13 The final question…

14 How do we bring collaboration and participation into the English class? Is this something that only belongs to the physical classroom? Discuss…

15 (Teaching note: end the class with a video that contains an example where individuals collaborated digitally in order to produce the end product)

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