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What is faith? Faith is a universal characteristic of the human person. It impacts our decisions to do what is good and our ability to trust. Faith.

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3 What is faith? Faith is a universal characteristic of the human person. It impacts our decisions to do what is good and our ability to trust. Faith shapes our lives, our choices, our relationships and our commitments. Faith is both a human virtue and a Theological Virtue. The human virtue of faith is the willingness and habit to do what is good. We grow in the human virtue of faith through human effort and God’s grace.

4 The Theological Virtue of faith The three Theological Virtues are faith, hope and charity (love). The Theological Virtue of faith is a ‘supernatural’ gift, or grace. It invites us to respond to God. God’s grace ‘precedes, prepares, and elicits our free response in faith and commitment’ (USCCA, p. 514).

5 Faith in the Holy Trinity In the Creed we profess faith in the Holy Trinity, the central mystery of the Christian faith and Christian life. We give our whole self to God, who revealed himself to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What do you think is at the heart of Christian faith?

6 The response of faith Christian faith is a lifelong choosing to make God the center of our life. Christian faith means not only listening but also responding to the Word of God, Jesus Christ. St. James reminded the early Church: ‘Faith without works is dead’ (James 2:20). Where in your own life do you see examples of people who are both ‘hearers’ and ‘doers’ of God’s Word?

7 Faith seeks understanding Theology is the study of God in which we use reason, assisted by the grace of the Holy Spirit, to deepen our understanding of Revelation and the faith of the Church. There is no discrepancy between faith and reason. All truth is from God, who is Truth. The gift of faith enhances the ability of human reason to come to know the truth. ‘The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason.’ How does Catholic teaching on faith differ from this view?

8 Jesus Christ: The heart of Christian faith and discipleship For a Christian, believing in God cannot be separated from believing in the One whom he sent, his beloved Son. The risen Jesus is present with us and he continues to invite us to faith and to discipleship. The English word ‘disciple’ comes from the Greek mathetes, which means ‘an apprentice’ or ‘pupil’. As apprentices of Christ we join with other apprentices and learn from the Master. This is a lifelong process.

9 Faith and discipleship Receiving the Sacraments, especially Eucharist and Penance, regularly, and active participation in the life of the Church, is essential to living as a disciple of Jesus. What do you find to be the most difficult challenge(s) to living your life as a disciple of Jesus Christ?

10 Living our faith in Christ The gift of faith invites a disciple of Christ to engage one’s whole person: Head: thinking, deciding and judging Heart: feelings and desires and choosing Hands: deeds and words Engaging our head involves using the gift of our intellect to explore the mystery of God, one’s self and all of creation.

11 Living our faith in Christ Engaging our heart and using our God-given gift of free will can prompt us either to choose to live out our faith in Christ or to choose not to live our faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit gives us the grace to respond with our heart and use our anger, compassion and other passions as Jesus did. Engaging our hands involves ‘walking by faith’ and living out the new commandment that Jesus taught us to live. The Works of Mercy, as enumerated in the Beatitudes, are the work of our hands.

12 Faith, prayer and worship Through our prayer and worship we communicate with God. Through this communication we grow in faith, hope and love. When do you pray? What helps you to pray? The Eucharist is the summit of the Church’s Liturgy and life of prayer. All worship and prayer flow from the Eucharist. The Church also prays the Liturgy of the Hours every day throughout the world.

13 Our response to Jesus’ invitation Throughout his life Jesus invited people, ‘Come, follow me’, and welcomed a free response. Even the Twelve Apostles were free to stay or go. We are free to choose to believe in Jesus and to share that faith with others. How does your faith impact your life? What does it ‘do’ in your life? How can you support one another in living your faith, in ‘walking your talk’?

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