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The calling of An Apostles Acts 1:15-26 Section 3.

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1 The calling of An Apostles Acts 1:15-26 Section 3

2 Jesus and his Apostles before his crucifixion

3 Jesus and his Apostles after his crucifixion

4 Jesus and his Apostles after his Ascension The apostles consider the number of “the Twelve” following the rebellion and suicide of Judas Iscariot. They consult the Scriptures where prophecies relate to these circumstances and determine to replace their former companion in order to restore the number selected originally by the Master. Peter presents the reasons for his actions. The apostles consider the number of “the Twelve” following the rebellion and suicide of Judas Iscariot. They consult the Scriptures where prophecies relate to these circumstances and determine to replace their former companion in order to restore the number selected originally by the Master. Peter presents the reasons for his actions.

5 Jesus and his Apostles after his Ascension  God’s word guides what the apostles do next. Acts 1;15 – 26  Peter stands up and takes the lead. v.15  The disciples numbered 120. v.15  Judas’ death a fulfillment of scriptures. v.16  Judas to be replaced, foretold. v.20

6 Judas  Called to be an apostle by Jesus. Luke 6:16  Was a thief and didn’t care for the poor. John 12:5,6  Betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Matt. 26:15  Betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Luke 22:47

7 The Death Accounts of Judas Matt.27 Acts 1

8 The Death Accounts of Judas  Acts 1:18 - falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out - falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out  Act 1:19 - the field is called Aceldama... the field of blood - the field is called Aceldama... the field of blood  Mat 27:5 - and departed and went and hanged himself - and departed and went and hanged himself  Mat 27:7 - chief priests bought the potter’s field to - chief priests bought the potter’s field to bury strangers in bury strangers in

9 A new Apostle. What were the Qualifications?  Had to have been with Jesus for all of his ministry.  From his baptism to his crucifixion.  Had to be a witness to the resurrection.  Had to be a witness to the ascension. Acts 1:21,22

10 A new Apostle. What were the Qualifications?  Two were found qualified.  Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus and Matthias.  Only one needed, so they prayed.  Matthias is chosen by the Lord who knowest the heart.  The answer came through the casting of lots.  Ultimately the Lord chose Matthias. Prov. 16:33 Acts 1:23 - 26

11 The Lessons for Us  We should not to be guided only by our emotions  God’s word supplies us the principles  “It is written...” was Jesus’ answer  approach God in prayer for answers  especially if choices seem equally good  and let God make his answer known

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