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“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.

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Presentation on theme: "“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28."— Presentation transcript:

1 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 Do We Control God?

2 In other words, Is God obligated to make the bad decisions or circumstances of “good” people turn out for the best in the end? This seems to be how most people view and apply Romans 8:28… That no matter how bad the situations or choices are, or how horrific their immediate and long-term consequences, God will somehow someway cause “all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”? Exactly how does that work if I decide to drink and drive? Is God obligated to make my “bad” decisions have “good” end results just because I love Him? Killed by Drunk Driver

3 Is that what Jesus promised His disciples? To make “all things good” for them… In Matt.10:16-25? In Matt.10:34-38? Is that what happened to Judas when he made a “bad” decision in Matt.27:3-5? Or Jonah? What about some disciples who didn’t even make a “bad” decision- did God make things “good” for them (in this life, which is how most people view Rom.8:28)… Stephen, Acts 7:58-60? James, Acts 12:1-2?

4 God is not obligated to make everything “work together for good” for us despite our “bad” circumstances or decisions. Such just isn’t what Gal.6:7-8 teaches; Nor is it what Rom.6:15-21 teaches; and, It certainly isn’t what Rom.8:28 is teaching! So, what is Rom.8:28 teaching? First, what “all things” does he mean? Satan & his angels? Eph.6:10ff Lusts of the flesh? 1John 2:15-17 Infirmities and diseases which maim and kill? We must understand that “all things” is used (in Rom.8:28) in a limited, rather than unlimited/universal sense.

5 What, then, are the “all things” intended in Rom.8:28? Consider the context- about what things has he been speaking in the chapter that work together for our good? What Christ has done and is doing for our spiritual salvation, vv.1-10; What the Holy Spirit has done and is doing for our spiritual salvation, vv.11-17; The great motivator of spiritual hope, vv.18-25; and, The power of prayer according to the will of God, and the Spirit’s intercessory role in it, vv.26-27.

6 You see, the “all things” intended in Rom.8:28 are limited those spiritual things already listed in the chapter. They do not refer to every bad circumstance we encounter, or foolish decision we make. If so, Then we would be controlling God with our choices. That’s just not how “life,” or God, works! Rom.8:28 is about the spiritual benefits God has provided to assist us to spiritual salvation, Not a promise to make our worldly situations and choices turn out “for the better” in this life, vv.29-31.


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