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By : Victor B. 4 th Grade Saint Dominic Savio School.

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1 By : Victor B. 4 th Grade Saint Dominic Savio School







8  The SLE’s at Saint Dominic Savio School help me to become a better person because they teach me to Honor Mary as our mother and other important things that will help my education and behavior become better. The first SLE told me to help others and myself learn the teachings and traditions of the Holy Catholic Church. The second SLE told me to take responsibility for my own actions and to make better choices for myself like cleaning my room and listening more to my mother at home. The third SLE: Honor Mary as our mother, I think is the most important SLE because it tells us who to honor as our mother. To develop a relationship with God is almost the most important thing that you can do in your lifetime. We do these things because we are Catholic people.

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