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Gowanda Area Redevelopment - Peter Cooper P roject Prepared by M. Hutchinson Peter Cooper Factory 1970.

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1 Gowanda Area Redevelopment - Peter Cooper P roject Prepared by M. Hutchinson Peter Cooper Factory 1970

2 Site Location Palmer Street Gowanda, New York

3 1.0 SITE OWNERSHIP HISTORY Home Eastern Tanners Glue, later known as Peter Cooper Glue from 1904 to 1976 (the worlds largest glue factory). Sold to Rousselot Gelatin Corp in 1976 a French company that made synthetic adhesives until 1985. Sold to Jim Car Corp, a no-asset company in 1988. Acquired by Gowanda Area Redevelopment Corp in 2009. Leased in perpetuity to the Village of Gowanda December 8 th 2009.

4 2.0 Site Environmental Issues

5 2.0 Summary of Environmental issues The Site was polluted as a result of the by-products of animal glue manufactured from the waste material from tanneries in the north eastern United States. Site pollution impacted ground water, soil and surface water. Site pollution consisted of Chromium, Arsenic, Zink and TCE. The site was placed on the NYS superfund list in 1987 but was removed in 1991 for legal reasons. In 1992 the Cattaraugus Creek Task Force was created to address environmental issues at the site. In 1998 the site was added to the EPA superfund list ( class 2)

6 3.0 Site Reuse Development

7 In 1996 the Cattaraugus Creek Task Force receives a technical assistance grant from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. (Bill Larow) In 2001 the Village of Gowanda receives a $100,000 EPA grant to access reuse options The Village partners with UB to develop reuse and legal options. In 2002 after extensive public input and assistance from UB and the UB School of Law passive/active recreational with a commercial option was determined to be the best site reuse.

8 4.0 Site Cleanup In 2005 EPA sign the Record of Decision requiring the responsible parties (PRPs) to cleanup the site. In 2009 the responsible parties (PRPs) complete site environmental remediation at a cost of $2,650,000. On August 2, 2011 EPA reclassifies the site as a class 4 site no longer posing a threat to public health or the environment.

9 5.0 Site Reuse Converted a water intake to creek access

10 5.0 Site Reuse and Economic Development After extensive public input the area residents express a strong preference for passive/active recreational site reuse. Reuse is consistent with the Village economic revitalization study (H. Sicherman Study). Reuse is consistent with the Collins/Gowanda Joint Master Plan. Fishing is a 6 billion dollar industry in up State New York. Cattaraugus Creek is a top 10 Trout fishery Rafting is a multi million dollar industry and is already having an economic impact on the Gowanda area. In July 2012 Senator Young and Assemblyman Giglio get an amendment to Article 42 of New York State law and add Cattaraugus Creek as an Inland Waterway, making Collins, Gowanda and Persia water front communities.

11 6.0 Project Funding Site Environmental Remediation 2.65 million dollars is funded by the (PRPs) Site O&M is paid to the Village as needed from a $170,000 trust account set up by the PRPs. Any excess O&M funds are given to GARC and the Village for site improvements after the 5 yr performance review. Site Legal Admin and Technical reimbursement for past and future clean up efforts $70,000. Site improvements funds provided to GARC $234,000. EPA funded Technical assistance grant paid to UB and NJIT. EPA Superfund redevelopment Grant $100,000. New York State environmental Protection design grant $76,500 with local match of $19,125 funded by donated time and site improvement funds. Environmental Protection construction grant $540,333 with local match of $290,833 funded by donated time and materials from Gernatts. $203,952 Cattaraugus County construction grant (Casino funds) $625,000 Economic Development Council construction funding Parks Grant ($500,000 in grant and $125,000 in local share contribution)

12 Site Improvements Building foundation removal Placement of 13,000 yds of cover material

13 Site Improvements Remove leachate discharges Improve creek access and parking



16 7.0 Accomplishments and Next Steps Environmental Remediation completed 2.65M 5 year EPA performance Review 2014 Site Design Completed June 2013 costing $76,500 Site sub-base grading to be completed fall of 2013 costing $540,333. Site removed from superfund list 2014 NYS Parks grant application August 2013. Obtain funding for park completion For additional information and questions

17 2014 Parks Grant Scope of Work New Parking Lot - $165,209 Asphalt Walkways - $280,146 Perimeter Fencing - $25,998 Trees - $40,417 Basketball Court - $24,780 Gazebo - $13,695 Construction oversight - $47,243 Mobilization - $27,512 total $625,000

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