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Name: *Carolina Cuevas Lagos. *Polett Parada Sanhueza. Grade: 4 th High B. Date: September 29 th, 2015. Teacher: Miss Angela Chaparro.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: *Carolina Cuevas Lagos. *Polett Parada Sanhueza. Grade: 4 th High B. Date: September 29 th, 2015. Teacher: Miss Angela Chaparro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: *Carolina Cuevas Lagos. *Polett Parada Sanhueza. Grade: 4 th High B. Date: September 29 th, 2015. Teacher: Miss Angela Chaparro.

2 Index Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..1 Definition…………………………………………………………………………..….2 Characteristics……………………………………………………………………....2 Places: To study and to work……………………………………………………..........................................3 Pros and cons……………………………………………………………………..…4 Job duties………………………………………………………………………….....5 Skills……………………………………………………………………………….....…5 Salary……………………………………………………………………………...…..6 Extra……………………………………………………………………………….......7 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..….8

3 Introduction The speech therapist is in charge of correct, support, evaluate and complement speaking, voice and listening of children with language disorders, also they are capable of improve speaking in adults. This career is very important in nowadays because every day adults and the children have a very low understanding of language.

4 Definition The speech therapist is a health professional that takes part in the areas scientist- humanist, whose mission is integrate multidisciplinary teams where effected prevention, diagnosis phonoaudiological and therapy of the alterations of language, speak, voice and audition.Characteristics At university the career study very important things like biology, physiology, pathophysiology, morphosyntax, neurology, anatomy, phonetics, phonology and psycholinguistics.

5 PLACES TO WORK: Schools Universities Consultories Private Clinics Kinder garden Rehab centers Special Schools TO STUDY: Professional institutes: IPChile Universities: * Concepcion * Chile *Catolica * San Sebastian * La frontera * Bio-Bio

6 PROS CONS Help people to speak their own language in a good way. Work with children. Take part in two areas Scientist and humanities. Learn about pronunciation and anatomy. Complications during the therapy that can make it ineffective. A high quantity of complications of speak that needs completely different treatment, and make it a hard work. Spend a lot of time investigating about orofacial expressions and new techniques of treatment for each case.

7 Job duties One aspirant to Speech therapy needs to: *Have patience. *Like to work with the voice and pronunciation. *Can work with different range of ages and get closer to them. *Team integration *Application of correct techniques for each case.Skills Speaking listening and language evaluation. Improve of voice and speaking to communication workers. Prevention, evaluation and treatment communication disorders from pre-schoolers to adults. Salary A speech therapist can earn $800.000 but depends on the skills and the speciation. With a great one the speech therapist can earn about $1.500.000 per month.



10 Conclusion This presentation showed information about work, salary, skills, and important information for an aspirant to this career, because showed subjects, places where you can study and where you can work. The student profile is impressed at the skills that the aspirant needs.

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