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7 Habits of Effective Readers Strategies to use during independent reading.

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Presentation on theme: "7 Habits of Effective Readers Strategies to use during independent reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Habits of Effective Readers Strategies to use during independent reading

2 1. CONNECTING You relate to the text in some way 1. Text to Self ex: “I relate to this because I moved to a new city last year and I hated it.” 2. Text to Text ex: “This reminds me of ‘Thank You M’am.’” 3. Text to World ex: “This reminds me of the accident on the 5 freeway yesterday.”

3 2. QUESTIONING You ask questions about the text, including things you don’t really understand. Ex: “I wonder why the boy doesn’t just ask the girl out on a date.”

4 3. VISUALIZING You picture what is going on in the text. It’s what you see or imagine as you read. Ex: “I’m picturing a pretty girl with red hair and an orange bow.” Ex: “I’m picturing a boy with messy clothes on.”

5 4. DETERMINING IMPORTANCE You figure out what you need to remember for later, including facts, details, or important quotes. Ex: “I need to mark this so I’ll remember it later.” Ex: “This part sounds important.”

6 5. MAKING INFERENCES You make a guess or prediction about what will happen next. Ex: “I think that the boy and girl will go out on a date.” Ex: “I predict that the boy will leave town.”

7 6. MONITORING FOR MEANING You are aware that you do not understand the text. You stop and re-read to figure out the meaning of the text. Ex: “Woops! I didn’t understand that. I need to re-read that page.”

8 7. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER You are able to make complete assumptions about what you’re reading. You can come to conclusions about what you think based on your reading. Ex: “Oh, I get it now. Now I think that the boy and girl were both just too shy.”

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