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X X X Cloud Variables Top pressure Cloud type Effective radius

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Presentation on theme: "X X X Cloud Variables Top pressure Cloud type Effective radius"— Presentation transcript:

1 X X X Cloud Variables Top pressure Cloud type Effective radius
Particle phase X Particle shape Optical thickness X Cloud cover/cloud detection Liquid water Bottom pressure

2 Bottom pressure/heigth
A chi serve? Aviazione, bilancio radiativo (LW bottom) Come si stima? - Spessore (topmolecolare-topO2) - LWC - Tipo (climatologia) - cloud radar



5 Cloud type A chi serve


7 +

8 + g = 0.85 = 0.86 = 0.87 Bidirectional reflectance Optical thickness

9 Ice particle habit A chi serve

10 Ice Cloud Microphysics CRYSTAL-FACE, A. Heymsfield
25 July 2002 (VIPS) 25 July 2002 (VIPS) CPI: 7 July 2002 S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

11 Ice cloud microphysics, cont.

12 MODIS ice crystal library habits/shapes
S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

13 Yang et al., “Single-scattering properties of complex ice crystals in terrestrial
Atmosphere”, Contr. Atmos. Phys., 71, , 1998.

14 Effective radius and optical thickness

15 CLM: Cloud microphysical properties

16 mod05

17 Liquid Water Clouds - ocean surface
Retrieval of tc and re The reflection function of a nonabsorbing band (e.g., 0.86 µm) is primarily a function of optical thickness The reflection function of a near-infrared absorbing band (e.g., 2.14 µm) is primarily a function of effective radius clouds with small drops (or ice crystals) reflect more than those with large particles For optically thick clouds, there is a near orthogonality in the retrieval of tc and re using a visible and near-infrared band Liquid Water Clouds - ocean surface

18 Ice Clouds - ocean surface
Retrieval of tc and re Ice Clouds - ocean surface The reflection function of a nonabsorbing band (e.g., 0.86 µm) is primarily a function of optical thickness The reflection function of a near-infrared absorbing band (e.g., 2.14 µm) is primarily a function of effective radius clouds with small drops (or ice crystals) reflect more than those with large particles For optically thick clouds, there is a near orthogonality in the retrieval of tc and re using a visible and near-infrared band

19 Cloud Optical & Microphysical Properties Retrieval Example
Liquid Water Clouds - ocean surface Liquid Water Clouds - ice surface

20 Multiple scattering water cloud examples
reflectance vs. asymmetry parameter (g) 1-v0 = 0 g = 0.85 = 0.86 = 0.87 Bidirectional reflectance Platnick_LAquila Optical thickness g = < cos(Q) p(Q)> ~ re S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

21 Multiple scattering - reflectance water cloud examples
reflectance vs. asymmetry parameter (g) reflectance vs. 1-v0 (R ~1-v0N) 1-v0 = 0 1-v0 = 0 g = 0.85 g = 0.85 = 0.86 = 0.87 1-v0 = 0.006 Bidirectional reflectance Platnick_LAquila 1-v0 = 0.020 1-v0 = 0.006 Optical thickness Optical thickness g = < cos(Q) p(Q)> ~ re 1-v0 a re S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

22 Ship track schematic courtesy, P. Durkee N ~ 40 cm-3 W ~ 0.30 g m-3
Platnick_LAquila N ~ 40 cm-3 W ~ 0.30 g m-3 re ~ 11.2 µm N ~ 100 cm-3 W ~ 0.75 g m-3 re ~ 10.5 µm S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

23 Level-1B Image of California Stratus with Ship Tracks
April 25, 2001 marine stratocumulus Red = 0.65 µm Green = 0.56 µm Blue = 0.47 µm

24 Level-1B Image of California Stratus with Ship Tracks
April 25, 2001 3.7 µm band Red = 0.65 µm Green = 0.56 µm Blue = 0.47 µm

25 CLM: Cloud microphysical properties
Cloud effective droplet radius Cloud optical thickness

26 Cloud phase


28 IR thermodynamic phase retrieval (B. Baum, S. Ackerman, S
IR thermodynamic phase retrieval (B. Baum, S. Ackerman, S. Nasiri, NASA LaRC, U. Wisconsin/CIMSS) ice water Platnick_LAquila Absorption coefficient (cm-1) ice 16.7 14.3 12.5 11.1 10.0 9.1 8.3 µm S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

29 Platnick_LAquila Nasiri et al., 2002 S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

30 Bispectral IR algorithm
Uncertain Mixed Phase Effect of multilayered clouds Ice Platnick_LAquila Liquid Water No Retrieval S. Platnick, ISSAOS ‘02

31 CLP Cloud phase

32 Ice/Water Clouds Separate in 8.6-11 vs 11-12 um BT plots

33 Cloud Composition MODIS Image Over Kansas - 21 April 1996 Contrails
Ice Cloud Infrared Temperature Difference m (Band 29) m (Band 31) Contrails Water Cloud Infrared Temperature Difference m (Band 31) m (Band 32)

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