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Key points 1.We are creatures of habit 2.Habits can be deadly 3.Young animals learn more quickly than older animals 4.Necessity is the mother of invention.

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Presentation on theme: "Key points 1.We are creatures of habit 2.Habits can be deadly 3.Young animals learn more quickly than older animals 4.Necessity is the mother of invention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key points 1.We are creatures of habit 2.Habits can be deadly 3.Young animals learn more quickly than older animals 4.Necessity is the mother of invention 5.Change takes time

2 Behavior depends on consequences

3 Consequences lead to habits

4 Habits Change the Body Habits Change the Body The body determines the structure of experience. Experience determines the structure of the body. The body determines the structure of experience. Experience determines the structure of the body.

5 What are the advantages of habits?

6 Efficient and Effective

7 Where do deer go during the hunting season?

8 What are the disadvantages of habits?

9 Poisonous Plants Gila versus Apache Counties

10 Animals Prefer Familiar - Toxic Plants - to Unfamiliar Plants in Unfamiliar Environments

11 Ease the transition with familiar foods with familiar foods

12 Change is sometimes necessary

13 Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy with the proof. - John K. Galbraith … but it’s hard!

14 What causes creatures of habit to change habits?

15 Youth Satiety Inadequacy

16 Old dogs can learn new tricks, but young dogs learn them quicker…


18 Ewes, Lambs and Douglas-fir

19 Satiety Not meatloaf again!

20 InadequacyInadequacy Diet Selection

21 If nutritional state is adequate Familiarity breeds content, novelty breeds contempt, animals are neophobic. Intake of rice, g

22 If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

23 If nutritional state is inadequate Familiarity breeds contempt, novelty breeds content, animals are neophyllic. Familiarity breeds contempt, novelty breeds content, animals are neophyllic. Intake high-energy, g

24 Necessity is the mother of invention


26 Nutrient deficient goats that ate woodrat houses… lost significantly less weight

27 Nutrient Balance aversion sample preference

28 Inadequacy Habitat Selection

29 Thompson Maxfield

30 Maxfield Thompson Maxfield Thompson  Calf  mother  Yearlings  peers  2-years age  drought  3-years age  mother

31 Old dogs New tricks


33 Changes in Management System Performance TimeTime Soils, Plants, Herbivores, People

34 Dairies…

35 If video doesn’t play, insert file NewYork_dairy.wmv



38 Ease transitions:  Feed green chop in the barn prior to turnout on grass.  Increase time spent on pasture slowly.  Ration fed in the barn must complement pasture.  Expose replacements to grass early in life, preferably with their mothers.



41 Riparian Areas…



44 If video doesn’t play, insert file Upland_cows.wmv

45 Persistent and consistent riding… …changed cattle behavior

46 Riding not harassing:  Move cattle out of bottoms  Keep cows/calves and subgroups together  Settle animals on upland sites with ample forage, salt, supplement, etc.  Ride consistently and persistently  Cows pass behavior to their calves  It takes time to change behavior

47 1994 2001

48 1995 1998 1995 1998

49 Taking animals to the fair

50 Key points 1.We are creatures of habit. 2.Habits can be deadly. 3.Young animals learn more quickly than older animals. 4.Necessity is the mother of invention. 5.Change takes time.

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