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PCA: A MINISTRY OF CBC.   Paul Ellinger (Elder Co-Chair)  Liz Givens*  David Henry  Jon Jipping*  Steve Maxwell (Deacon Rep)  Dave McCreedy (non-CBC)*

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Presentation on theme: "PCA: A MINISTRY OF CBC.   Paul Ellinger (Elder Co-Chair)  Liz Givens*  David Henry  Jon Jipping*  Steve Maxwell (Deacon Rep)  Dave McCreedy (non-CBC)*"— Presentation transcript:


2   Paul Ellinger (Elder Co-Chair)  Liz Givens*  David Henry  Jon Jipping*  Steve Maxwell (Deacon Rep)  Dave McCreedy (non-CBC)*  Jodi Moore  Dan Paulson (non-CBC)  Jim Rich  Dwayne Roi (non-CBC)  Joyce Zandee (Co-Chair) *term ends 7/2014

3  The purpose of Plymouth Christian Academy is to produce students:  Matured in their love for God  Confess and believe Jesus is Lord  Lead transformed, joy-filled, Spirit-led lives  Steeped in His Word  Habitually apply biblical understanding to all aspects of life  Practice in devotional use of Scripture  Educated about His world  Knowledgeable in academic subjects  Taught to see God’s hand at work in all of them  Dedicated to lives of service and learning  Are critical and logical thinkers who read proficiently, strategically, and continually  Actively engage our pluralistic society as salt and light  Demonstrate a servant spirit and sacrificial giving  Prepared to fulfill their calling in His kingdom.

4   Draft PCA Ministry Footprint  Align with CBC Ministry Compass  Develop financial model to assess long-term financial stability  Evaluate options for alternative revenue streams  Pursue open and intentional two-way communications with stakeholders

5   Right-sized # administrative & staff positions to reflect reduced enrollment at PCA  Caryn Huntsman named superintendent  Intentionally re-focused on the customer  Gathered input from stakeholders via “Think Tanks”  Formed Parent Advisory Teams  Identified areas of focus from Parent Survey

6   Develop and implement a comprehensive Teacher Evaluation system  Establish vertical subject-matter teams and professional learning communities  Ensure continuity and completeness of curriculum from K-12 and cohesive teacher training process  Develop comprehensive academic resource support program (K-12 th grade)  Proceed with accreditation renewal process

7   Spiritual growth assessment tool implemented – help students set spiritual goals  Mentoring program with 4 th and 7 th grade boys: “Leadership Boot Camp”  Grading scale modified to align with what is used in community public schools  State of the School message delivered to parents on 2/10/2014

8   Spiritual Life Retreat  Spiritual Emphasis week  Career day  SHINE Servathon  Daily updates via social media  Facebook and Twitter feeds  Active partnerships with feeder schools  Continue to pay down debt at accelerated rate

9   School day lengthened to incorporate new secondary elective offerings  Intentional use of campus property – botany and hands-on science  Gift funding to support technology improvements  1:1 devices, infrastructure improvements  Science grant from Lawrence Tech  New website to be rolled out in June


11   Drop in enrollment: ~4.5%/year over last 10 years ( 845 in 2003  529 in 2013)  Financial challenges facing families  Increased college costs  Shift away from prioritizing Christian education above other spending  Multiple alternatives available to families (e.g., charter school options)  Commitment to maintain balanced budget

12   Cut expenses by reducing administrative headcount and some faculty positions  Renew emphasis on increasing the value proposition and improving the “product”  Ensure positive word-of-mouth advertising  Identify alternative revenue streams to bridge the funding gap  Looking at enrolling limited number of international students in 2015-2016 school year  Investigating possibility of renting campus facilities (fields, classrooms, gym) during off hours

13   Identify areas for strategic focus: Academics, Technology, Fine & Performing Arts, Bible Program, and Student Leadership Development  Increase # AP classes, dual enrollment opportunities and # electives for 2014-2015 school year  Implement technology improvements  Importance of remaining budget neutral

14   Provide students with strong academic training from a biblical worldview  Develop leaders who are prepared to reach the lost for Christ  Train students how to study God’s word and act on His teaching  Disciple young people and teach them how to disciple others  Give students opportunities for outreach and community service

15    We would love to have your child spend a day shadowing a student at PCA!

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