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10. “Calamity & Redemption” 1 Samuel 30 – 31 p. 277-278.

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2 10. “Calamity & Redemption” 1 Samuel 30 – 31 p. 277-278

3 Happy Endings  Expect stories to end happily & victoriously.  Start of Advent next week  Find a positive way to end this part of David’s life.  Requires serious spin-doctoring!  How does this set the stage for Advent?  Two intertwined stories.

4 1. Saul - Calamity  Saul does what he wants.  Samuel: “To obey is better than sacrifice” (15:22)  A Downward spiral:  Turned against his ablest soldier (David)  Turned against his people – only trust his own (22:6-7)  Killed the Priests at Nob (22:18-19)  Became Israel’s worst enemy (Keilah – ch 23)  Consults a medium: contravenes the Law (Lev 19:31, ch 28)

5 2. David – Redemption  Places God’s will above self-interest.  Takes on Goliath when all Israel is afraid (ch 17)  He is a great warrior: which earns Saul’s jealousy (ch 18)  Rescues Keilah when Saul fails (ch 23)  Refuses to harm Saul – He is God’s anointed (ch 24, 26)  Has crisis of faith: joins Achish – but does not harm Israel

6 2. David – Redemption...  Faces disaster: turns to God for deliverance (ch 30)  Ziklag is destroyed; their families are gone (v 1-2) The men want to stone him (v 6)The men want to stone him (v 6)  Consults the Lord and pursues the raiding army.  With only 400 men he routs a much larger force His great faith in God’s word is restored.His great faith in God’s word is restored.

7 2. David – Redemption...  Reveals the Kind of king he will be:  Acknowledges God’s Protection & Provision  Acts with Grace  A king who will Give rather than Take. (cf. 1 Sam 8:10-18)

8 3. Anointed King - Parallels  FIRST:  David “went over” (27:2); Rejected by Saul  Jesus “handed over” (Mt 20:19); Rejected by Scribes, etc  SECOND:  David accused of sedition/treachery by Philistines (29:4-5)  Jesus accused as against Caesar by Jewish leaders (Jn 19:15)

9 3. Anointed King – Parallels...  THIRD:  David vindicated 3x by Achish (29, 3,6,9)  Jesus vindicated 3x by Pilate (Lk 23;22)  FOURTH:  Achish gives in to David’s accusers (29:10)  Pilate gives in to Jesus’ accusers (Jn 19:16)

10 3. Anointed King – Parallels...  FIFTH:  Both suffer further, but then inherit the kingdom God gives them.  SIXTH:  David is committed to following the will of God.  Jesus even more so (Jn 5:19)

11 Living it  Being transformed into the image of Jesus  Having the heart and mind of Jesus.  Being a servant (Mark 10:45)  Advent: Consider again where our allegiances lie.  Saul: doing what is expedient & convenient  David: pursuing the will of God irrespective of the cost.  Advent – MISSION.


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