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Misc. Astronomy Notes Your topics. Halley’s Comet In 1705 Edmond Halley predicted the return of Halley’s using Newton’s Laws of motion and therefore the.

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Presentation on theme: "Misc. Astronomy Notes Your topics. Halley’s Comet In 1705 Edmond Halley predicted the return of Halley’s using Newton’s Laws of motion and therefore the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misc. Astronomy Notes Your topics

2 Halley’s Comet In 1705 Edmond Halley predicted the return of Halley’s using Newton’s Laws of motion and therefore the comet was named after him after he died

3 Halley’s Comet in 2024

4 Beginning of Universe BIG BANG THEORY: - universe began in an instant ~13.7 billion of years ago -Universe was very small, hot, dense, then a big explosion occurred -Universe expanded and cooled -atoms formed after a few hundred thousand years - Gravity caused first stars/ galaxies to form after 200 million years

5 End of Universe Many theories…. No proof Most scientists theorize the universe will continue to expand forever

6 Dark matter Matter that does not give off electromagnetic radiation Cannot be seen directly, is inferred by its gravitational effects on stars and light Astronomers do not know much about it, but it may make up 90% of universe!

7 Worm Holes Path between 2 points in curved space-time Short cut/ faster than the speed of life Introduced by Albert Einstein and colleagues Said to collapse if matter entered Time travel?? NO PROOF!

8 Aliens/ Life on other Planets? Not that we know of… But who knows??? How many planets are in the universe? so far, 9 in our solar system, and 185 orbiting other stars.But the real number is astronomically huge. There are about 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. If each of them have the same number of planets (on average) as our own sun, then that's about 4 trillion planets in our own galaxy alone. Multiply that by an estimated 125 billion galaxies in the universe... that's a lot of planets.

9 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Since 1958 Studies astronomy and physics to better understand the universe Is currently supporting the International Space Station

10 International Space Station (ISS) space agencies of the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada Been in orbit since 2000 Rotates crews Over 200 people have visited Orbits the Earth dex.html?media_id=97766082 dex.html?media_id=97766082 dex.html?media_id=97769982 dex.html?media_id=97769982

11 Weekly Updates for ISS y/index.html?media_id=143286291 y/index.html?media_id=143286291

12 Upgrading the ISS

13 Sightings the ISS in Ventura County THE FOLLOWING ISS SIGHTINGS ARE POSSIBLE FROM FRI MAY 11 TO SAT MAY 26SATELLITELOCALDURATIONMAX ELEVAPPROACHDEPARTURE DATE/TIME (MIN) (DEG)(DEG-DIR)(DEG-DIR) ISSTue May 15/05:14 AM< 11010 above SE10 above ESE ISSThu May 17/05:00 AM42511 above S19 above E ISSFri May 18/04:07 AM21110 above SE10 above ESE ISSSat May 19/04:48 AM37021 above SW38 above ENE ISSSun May 20/03:56 AM22828 above ESE16 above E ISSMon May 21/04:37 AM34226 above W22 above NNE ISSTue May 22/03:44 AM15353 above ENE26 above NE ISSTue May 22/05:19 AM21210 above NW10 above N ISSWed May 23/02:52 AM< 11212 above ENE10 above ENE ISSWed May 23/04:25 AM32015 above WNW12 above N ISSThu May 24/03:33 AM< 12929 above N21 above NNE ISSFri May 25/02:41 AM< 11414 above NE14 above NE ISSFri May 25/04:14 AM21110 above NW10 above N ISSSat May 26/03:22 AM11616 above NNW12 above N

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