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Patent Ductus and Vascular Occlusion Devices Ornob Roy Elaine Isom Michelle Carlsen Brad Klosterman Advisor: Dr. Thomas Doyle.

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Presentation on theme: "Patent Ductus and Vascular Occlusion Devices Ornob Roy Elaine Isom Michelle Carlsen Brad Klosterman Advisor: Dr. Thomas Doyle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patent Ductus and Vascular Occlusion Devices Ornob Roy Elaine Isom Michelle Carlsen Brad Klosterman Advisor: Dr. Thomas Doyle

2 Project Definition zObjective: Design, build, and market an occlusion device which can be used for Patent Ductus and cylindrical vasculature zPresentation topics: yBackground ysolution ystatus yfuture plans

3 Background:Patent Ductus zOccurs in premature infants z~ 10-12% of all congenital defects zConnection between pulmonary artery and the aorta

4 Background: General Occluder zRerouting blood flow zIsolate defected vasculature zImpede significant flow

5 Solutions zSuturing yenter btw ribs yinvasive ylong recovery zCoils yuse of catheter ynot form fitting z Titanium devices yuse of catheter yform fitting yvery expensive z Our solutions ysponge/foam to stop blood ycoils to coagulate

6 Status z3D modeling using SDRC I-DEAS CAD/CAM software zMaterial search/Biocompatibility zLarge scale simulation drawings

7 Future Plans zLarge scale replication zSmall scale replication zCatheter modifications zbio interactions

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