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Perspectives on the Big Picture By Tom Anderson. On Space Ship Earth Humans are not the Passengers We are part of the Crew.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives on the Big Picture By Tom Anderson. On Space Ship Earth Humans are not the Passengers We are part of the Crew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspectives on the Big Picture By Tom Anderson

2 On Space Ship Earth Humans are not the Passengers We are part of the Crew

3 The Age of Fossil Fuels In a 10 Thousand Year Frame


5 Human Capacity for Work One horsepower is745.7Watts A human is capable of about1/3of a horsepower Therefore a human is good for about249Watts of output

6 Gasoline vrs Human Regular Gas is 125,000 BTUs per gal Let’s allow a 25% conversion to work Therefore a gal is 31,250 BTUs At a human rate of 249 Watts of output It would take you 37 hours of peddling

7 Value of Human Work Compared to Gasoline Gasoline is about $4 per gallon Human output is about 249 Watt hrs / hr Or about 854 BTUs per hr Or about 0.03 gallons of gas per hr Or about $0.11 per hr

8 Perspective The age of fossil fuels has greatly shifted and distorted our estimation of the value of human work When people think about there being less fossil fuel they panic as they see it as a contraction of what they can do. As a negation of the idea of abundance But it is NOT

9 The Age of Fossil Fuels In a 10 Thousand Year Frame


11 Living Lighter Party!

12 Let’s Talk Trash

13 How Much Energy Does It Use

14 What’s A Girl To Do

15 Abundance The abundance of human creativity The abundance of work available to supply human needs The abundance of satisfaction in doing something productive to help others The abundance of rich and vibrant communities The abundance of possible human relationships

16 Methane: Farm Power NW

17 Methane: Dry Fermentation


19 19 CHP Proportion of Electricity and District Heating Production

20 20 Composition of Fuels in District Heating Production

21 Combined Heat and Power

22 Infinia’s Micro CHP Sterling engine electrical generator Available soon!!

23 Public Policy State legislation supporting solar installations. Community solar projects

24 Tom Anderson 739-1968 Thank You for Your Time and Attention Questions

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