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Economic Democracy and Cooperative Capital By: Amanda Jefferies and Claire Lefebure.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Democracy and Cooperative Capital By: Amanda Jefferies and Claire Lefebure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Democracy and Cooperative Capital By: Amanda Jefferies and Claire Lefebure

2 Economic Democracy ‘ a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate stakeholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbors, and the broader public’ (Wiki, 2015)

3 The Mondragon Corporation Founded in the town of Mondragon, Spain 1956 Business units – Industry, Commerce, Finance, and Services Members of the cooperative own a share of their company, elect their managers and participate in all decision making This is an example of Economic Democracy

4 Advantages Democratic Financially profitable Internally capable of generating talent and capital Generates equality among its workers Salary levels are high Limitations Complex The Mondragon Corporation

5 Discussion Questions Do you think the Mondragon Cooperative System is replicable in Canada or the US? Would it be easy? How do human values and profitable business get along? How does one stay true to one’s values while trying to stay afloat in the world of business production and competition?

6 Cooperative Energy Services What are cooperative energy services? Focus: Energy Security Decentralized energy supply Renewable resources Feed-in Tariffs Ownership Mission Support Commitment Education Multiple-bottom-line perspective

7 Renewable Energy The UK – Wind power, biogas and waste heat Scandinavia and the US – Electricity coops Denmark and Sweden – Combined head power (CHP) Denmark is most energy secure country 1979 Heat Supply Act

8 Combined Heat and Power CHP makes up 60 % of space heating in Denmark Wind Biomass Fuel Anaerobic digestion Important factors for success Democratic accountability Consumer owned businesses Multi Stakeholder mutuals Cooperation with local government

9 Transition Complications Entangled in the current global financial system Dysfunctional Capitalist Market An unaccountable financial system Concentration of wealth Goals Modularity Tightened feedback loops Social capital Innovation

10 What renewable resources would make the best cooperative energy services in BC? What are some complications that would occur if cooperative energy services were implemented in your community? Discussion Questions

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