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The end of WWII. Italy  Allies win in North Africa – July 1943 – Target Italy  Sicily is taken – Italian king arrests Mussolini – surrenders to the.

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Presentation on theme: "The end of WWII. Italy  Allies win in North Africa – July 1943 – Target Italy  Sicily is taken – Italian king arrests Mussolini – surrenders to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The end of WWII

2 Italy  Allies win in North Africa – July 1943 – Target Italy  Sicily is taken – Italian king arrests Mussolini – surrenders to the Allies  Mussolini is rescued by German – Leads puppet government in northern Italy.

3 Mussolini’s Demise  Allies march into Milan – Mussolini tries to flee the country disguised as a German soldier  Italian partisans stop the convoy & demand all Italians be turned over. – Mussolini & his mistress were handed over  April 28,1945 both were shot & taken to Milan for public display – Hung upside down


5 The score…  North Africa once again controlled by the Allies  USSR once again controlled by the Allies  Italy once again controlled by the Allies  Britain STILL controlled by the Allies – Let’s keep going !

6 D-Day

7 Normandy… D-Day Invasion  Thousands of planes, ships, tanks and landing crafts  3.5 million troops  June 6th 1944 – five beaches – 150,000 US, Canadian and UK troops. – 23,000 parachuted

8 Normandy…D-Day Invasion  Losses…Allies 12,000. Germans 9,000.  By late summer 1944, Paris is liberated.  All the Allies move towards Germany.


10 Battle of the Bulge  Begins on December 16, 1944 in the Ardennes Forest (N. France/Belgium)  Germany attacks with the hopes of dividing the Allies to force a peace treaty favorable to the Axis – Remember: the Germans used this strategy once before  Germany concentrated its fighting in the center of the Allied line due to its apparent weakness…causing a “bulge” effect which gave the battle its name


12 Battle of the Bulge

13 Hitler’s Downfall  Allies move to Berlin – Hitler refuses to surrender  Hitler relocates to the bunker under the Chancellery in Berlin on winter of 1945.  As the Soviets enter Berlin in April 1945 – Hitler marries Eva Braun – two days later commits suicide – his body is burned afterwards  The German army surrenders May 7 th, 1945. War in Europe is over!



16 War comes to an end in Japan

17 Cost of War  Iwo Jima= – US casualties 25,000 – only 216 of the 25,000 Japanese soldiers surrendered.  Okinawa= – US casualties 50,000 – only 7,200 of the 100,000 Japanese defenders surrendered.  Japan resorts to desperate measures using Kamikaze pilots who would fly their planes into Allied ships killing themselves in the process.

18 Invasion or the Bomb?  May 8 th, 1945 V-E Day (Victory in Europe)  By mid-1945, most of the Japanese navy & air force destroyed. – BUT—Japanese still had 2 million soldiers. 1944—More Japanese men become kamikaze or suicide pilots. – The Japanese would fight to the death!

19  Iwo Jima & Okinawa – Critical bases – bombers could reach Japan  ESTIMATED: – Taking Japan would cost 200,000-1 million US lives and ½ million British lives Option #1: Invasion

20 Option #2: Manhattan Project  1939—Albert Einstein writes a letter to FDR warning him that Germany might create an atomic bomb.  US starts Manhattan Project – Headed by J. Robert Oppenheimer In Los Alamos, NM – First test bomb detonated July 1945 near Alamogordo, NM Shattered windows 125 miles away.

21 National Crisis…  FDR died unexpectedly on April 12, 1945  Truman becomes the 33 rd president.  Truman is made aware of the Manhattan Project

22 Decision to use the Atomic Bomb  President Harry S. Truman orders the use of the Atom Bomb to force Japan to surrender. – He argues it will save the lives of American soldiers. – He warns Japan to surrender or face “utter and complete destruction.” Japan ignores the USA

23 Hiroshima  August 6, 1945 – US dropped Little Boy over Hiroshima – an enriched uranium bomb code-named “Little Boy”enriched uranium  Japan refused to surrender—they thought the US only had 1 bomb!






29 Nagasaki  Three days later, “Fat Man”, a plutonium bomb, was dropped on Nagasakiplutonium  Japan finally surrendered




33 The War is OVER!!!  Japan officially, unconditionally surrenders on September 2, 1945. WWII is over.

34 Japan after the War  2 million lives had been lost!  Many of the major cities were destroyed  Allies had taken all of Japan’s colonies

35 US occupation of Japan  Japan’s emperor has to step down and they have to create a democracy – They are forced to create a constitution that looks like the US – Japan is only allowed to use a small military (provided by the US)

36 Want some extra credit? Write down these directions! 1.Go to www. 2.Browse through the pics and videos 3.Choose 10-15 pics and videos to read about, watch, etc. Save each one by clicking “add to favorites” 4.Once you are done, click the “Share my favorites” button and follow the on-screen directions to e-mail the collection to a friend. 5.Add a one paragraph description of what you learned from this site. 6.Email to Mrs. Thomsen at Email it to me by Friday, May 18 th for up to 20 points of Extra Credit! Don’t forget to include your full name and period!

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