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The Final Days of the War 45’. Symbolic Victory A reward for the Red Army Personal gratification.

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Presentation on theme: "The Final Days of the War 45’. Symbolic Victory A reward for the Red Army Personal gratification."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Final Days of the War 45’

2 Symbolic Victory A reward for the Red Army Personal gratification

3 Mistrust of the West Stalin did not trust the Americans He still believed that they would try to capture Berlin first

4 German propaganda The Germans drop leaflets on the allied armies “Asiatic” barbarism

5 Rape and pillage Populations in Germany were tortured Women were raped Looting occurred

6 Soviet Propaganda Soviet troops were fed messages of hatred towards the Germans

7 Attacking Berlin 14, 600 artillery 7, 147, 000 shells 3, 155 tanks 1, 531 Rocket launchers 7, 500 air craft 2 million combat troops

8 Night Attack Zhukov planned to attack at night Would use 143 spotlights to lead the way


10 April 14, 1945 The Soviet forces attack the defenses outside Berlin The fighting is slow and the Soviets suffer heavy casualties

11 April 20, 1945 Soviets reach the suburbs of Berlin

12 April 25-29 Soviet troops fight their way into the city Start to launch an attack against the Reichstag The prize of Germany

13 Tiergarten The area of the city with the Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery The final objective of the war


15 8 hours to clear the building Soviet forces took 8 hours to secure the Reichstag building Fierce hand to hand fighting


17 Controversy


19 Berlin on fire The city was covered by dust and smoke Fires raged all over the city Air was filled with the sounds of artillery and rockets

20 Reich Chancellery Political centre of Third Reich Monument to the Nazi Empire Destroyed in the attack on Berlin



23 Hitler’s Final Days

24 The Bunker Hitler occupied his bunker since March 1945 Surrounded by party faithful, security men and secretaries

25 Crazy fantasies Communication to Hitler was very poor He conjured up ideas that whole German armies would save Berlin

26 Finals Days Started to blame others for the German defeat Ranted for long periods of time against his commanders Blamed the Jews, German people

27 April 28, 1945 Hitler dictates his final words He creates a diatribe against the Jews He stated a new government should carry on his work

28 April 29, 1945 Hitler orders the city to never surrender Hitler refuses to flee the city

29 Underground Wedding The ceremony was performed just before midnight on the 29 th Hitler then had a final meal at lunchtime Shakes hands with the population of the bunker


31 Hitler’s suicide April 30, 1945 Hitler retires to his private rooms with his new wife Eva Braun takes poison and Hitler shoots himself ?

32 Controversy

33 Stalin hearing of Hitler Woken up to be given the news of Hitler’s death “Now he’s done it, the bastard.”

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