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21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 1 Calibration of CFT Detector Download trigger (in taker, under Modify: Free Trigger & Change.

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Presentation on theme: "21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 1 Calibration of CFT Detector Download trigger (in taker, under Modify: Free Trigger & Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 1 Calibration of CFT Detector Download trigger (in taker, under Modify: Free Trigger & Change Trigger) each time you start calibration run. After calibration you will return CFT crates to global run and check histograms from ft_examine. Do also ‘Checklist Between Stores’ to save histograms. Read hit map analysis in the Checklist. You should have zero of hot and cold modules and tripts. Also re-start cft_gui at Tracking station

2 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 2 Calibration of CFT Detector Content Page Calibration in brief………………………………………………………………….3 Calibration of discriminators …………………………………………...…………9 Aligning pedestals ……………………………………………………………… 27 Calibration of Time ………………………………………………………………..28 Calibration of Analogue Thresholds …………………………………..……...31 Patching when calibration constants do not make to database……...……….50 Using Old Calibration Run ………………………………………………………. 55 Preparing for global run…………………………………………………………...56 Power cycling and insertion of new AFEII boards……..……………………….57 Looking at data……………………………………………………………………. 60 Transferring calibration to off-line database…………………………...………..64 CPS MIP calibration……………………………………………………………….69 About Charge Inject ………………………………………………………………73

3 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 3 Calibration in Brief Ask DAQ shifter to take crates 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53 and 0x13 out of global run Calibrate discriminator thresholds for crates 0x50, 0x51, 0x52 and spare boards in 0x53. Set parameters and download Take data Transfer calibration results from calibration tables to electronic tables SDAQ run (with ITC option asserted) will put calibration constants into calibration tables cft_gui uses electronic tables, therefore one needs to transfer calibration constants from calibration tables to electronic tables Check the quality of calibration run Calibrate time, not needed for crate 0x53 Align pedestals-this only after you installed new board Calibrate analogue thresholds write peds_zero Thrs to afpga Set run parameters and download Take data Transfer calibration results from calibration tables to electronic tables Check the quality of calibration run thrsToAfpga Download for global bias running Before re-turning crates to global run download all crates (click on download in cft_gui for each crate) Calibration of analog thresholds has to be last step because analog thresholds may depend discriminator thresholds. After installation of new board you have to calibrate discriminator thresholds (except of crate 0x53) and analogue thresholds. Do time calibration and align pedestal as soon as you can. Alignment of pedestals has to be followed by calibration of analogue thresholds.

4 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 4 Calibration in Brief When to make calibration You need to make new calibration when: New board was installed Hit maps show “hot” regions and/or depleted regions It usually takes three hrs to make full CFT calibration. Calibration depends on the temperature of AFE boards therefore it should be done when temperature is stable (archiver enables you to check that). Discriminator calibration needs to be done when there is no beam in the accelerator. Time calibration can be done with beam in the accelerator. Calibration of analog thresholds can be done with the beam in the accelerator, however you need to check that beam is not detected by CFT. To check if beam is detected by CFT look at pulse height distributions in layers closest to the beam: for example boards 5A6&A7, 3A2&3. I did often calibrate analog thresholds during proton injection tune-up.

5 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 5 Calibration in Brief Go to DAQ shifter and ask to remove from the run CFT/PS crates, and crate 0x13.: Verify that crates are re-moved (check via monitor) including sequencer crates 3 and 5. Discriminator scan: Participating crates: 0x50, 0x51,0x52, 0x53 (SPARE_VRB only) Disable non-participating VRBs in 0x53 Set Parameters Vthres not selected nsteps_v_thres 0x20 v_thres2 = 0xd7 disc_occ_fac 0xa download Take data (“Free Trigger”, “Change Trigger”), takes about 1 hr. check database, new vthres, plot VrefVthres, plot Vthres change download Tript vthres Re-enable VRBs in 0x53 Time calibration Thresholds for Analog Signals Set Parameter nevents_noise 100.0 All crates participate Set Parameters write peds_zeroThrs to afpga download Take data (“Free Trigger”, “Change Trigger”), takes about 10 min. Check pulse height distributions for AFE 5A6 (VRB-5210), or AFE 3A2 (VRB-5110) for beam interactions (presence of counts well above pedestals), might take another run. check database, new thresholds, plot thresholds change thrsToAfpga Prepare for physics run Free Trigger in Taker download

6 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 6 SDAQ Parameters for Calibration of Discriminators Click Modify database Notice nsteps_v_thres 0x20 v_thres2 0xd7 nevents_sift_hits 0x3e8 disc_occ_fac 0xa cts_type_run 0x0 run_number 100.0 calinj_time_nstep 0 calinj_bits_nset 0 Vthres not selected Itc selected For tests with discriminator noise of 5% set disc_occ_fac x32

7 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 7 SADQ parameters for Calibration of Thresholds for Analog Signals Click Modify database Notice: nevents_peds 10000.0 nevents_noise 100.0 nsteps_v_thres 0x0 nevents_sift_hits 0x0 run_number 100.0 calinj_time_nstep 0x0 calinj_bits_nset 0x0 Itc selected For tests with 20 % noise set nevents_noise 2000.0

8 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 8 SDAQ parameters for Time Calibration Notice:nsteps_v_thres 0x0 calinj_time_nstep 0x3 injtime1,2,3 0x0,0x2,0x4 calinj_q 0xf calinj_xing 0x3e (0x18 at cts) calinj_bits_nset 0x8 injbit_set1, 8: 0x1, 0x2, … 0x8 Itc not selected q, injected charge is f=1111 One trip injected charge, another trip injected charge 1111=f, large charge to both 0101=5, small charge to both 1010=a, medium charge to both Histograms to look: AFE Hit Map Pedestal Means vs VREF ( contain time distributions for each channel)

9 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 9 Calibration of Discriminators Check That Temperature Control is Running If you do this calibration because you just swapped AFE board, you might choose to calibrate only boards readout by VRB which reads out swapped board. Remember that discriminator calibration can always go wrong, so if you have little time do not calibrate full CFT/crate. Click plot cryo for VRBCR_50 Examine cryo plot to see if temperature stable

10 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 10 Calibration of Discriminators Go to DAQ shifter and ask to remove from the run the follwing crates: All cft crates: 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53 ( CFT/PS) Crate 0x13 (L1) Verify that crates are re-moved (check via monitor) including sequencer crates 3 and 5. Verify that accelerator status and alarm conditions are appropriate for calibration. For each crate write peds_zeroThrs to afpga

11 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 11 Calibration of Discriminatores Setting Parameters for Calibration Click global parameter Click SDAQ Parameter

12 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 12 Calibration of Discriminators Setting Parameters Set Parameters Click Modify database Notice nsteps_v_thres 0x20 v_thres2 0xd7 nevents_sift_hits 0x3e8 disc_occ_fac 0xa cts_type_run 0x0 run_number 100.0 calinj_time_nstep 0x0 calinj_bits_nset 0x0 Vthres not selected itc selected For tests with discriminator noise of 5% set disc_occ_fac x32

13 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 13 Calibration of Discriminators In crate 0x53 only last SPARE_VRB 5315 participates in discriminator calibration

14 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 14 Calibration of Discriminators Downloading Click download for VRBCR_50 Click download for VRBCR_51 Click download for VRBCR_52 Click download for VRBCR_53 Wait until download buttons turn green

15 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 15 Calibration of Discriminators Taking Data Go to screen numbered 10 (ioc xterms taker) in CFT Console Crib Sheet. You should find there 4 terminals to ioc’s (ioc stands for input output controller) in VME crates 0x50 to 0x53. Calibration is run on these computers and you need to watch terminals for error messages. Prompt is -> and you can type pwd to get the identification. d0olctl94 is ioc in crate ox50 d0olctl95 is ioc in crate 0x51 d0olctl96 is ioc in crate ox52 d0olcfl97 is ioc in crate 0x53 If terminals are missing you can start them by typing: telnet t-d0-mch2 2017, 2020, as shown below

16 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 16 Calibration of Discriminators Taking Data Stay in screen numbered 10 (ioc xterms taker) in CFT Console Crib Sheet Start taker setup d0online taker Click on Modify Click on Free Trigger-if allowed Click on Change Trigger

17 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 17 Calibration of Discriminators Choosing Configuration File for Taker Choose the configuration file for the taker Select Calibration Select cft

18 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 18 Calibration of Discriminators Choose Configuration File for Taker Choose calib-all-1.1 Click OK Verify download is successful (as reported in taker window)

19 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 19 Calibration of Discriminators Taking Data Click on Start in taker window. Write calibration in Comment field. Start button will change to Stop. Watch DAQ monitor. Watch ioc terminals for errors. If you see the following error messages : Stop run by clicking on Stop in taker window Re-download the crate Go back to first page of Taking data (remeber: Free Trigger, Change Trigger in Taker)

20 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 20 Calibration of Discriminators Taking data Check DAQ monitor and rate should be ~30 Hz, 0x50 should be 90 % L1 busy Write in e-Log calibration run number Do not worry about occasional messages like: Wait until Stop button will turn to Start in taker window

21 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 21 Calibration of Discriminators Transferring data to electronics database Left click on VRBCR_50 (reached from cft_gui after clicking on details). Click on check database to see if data got to CFT calibration tables in database, if not, wait and click again until data are in database Click on new vthres (this transfers data from CFT calibration tables to electronics ‘ tables used by cft_gui to download electronics, CPS modules are skipped) Right click on menu to get rid of menu.

22 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 22 Calibration of Discriminators Checking the quality of Calibration run Checking Calibration Data In Database Clicking on plot Vthres change will display the change of discriminator thresholds as compared to discriminator thresholds in previous calibration run Document in e-Log if changes >5

23 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 23 Calibration of Discriminators Checking the quality of Calibration run Checking Calibration Data In Database Click on plot VrefVthres. Look carefully for dips like you see on plot below in 8A2 and 9A1. These dips mean that calibration failed in boards 8A2 and 9A1. You might look at cft_sdaq plot “AFE Sift Disc Hit Map”. You will see that one module in those boards does not have discriminator hits. You need to re-calibrate those boards. I usually re-calibrate boards readout by VRB reading out failed board. Spike on the bottom plot of previous page indicates problem in calibration (of reference calibration in this case). Dip at 9A7 is okay, caused by few unresponsive VLPCs/

24 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 24 Calibration of Discriminators Transferring data to electronics database Click on download Tript vthres

25 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 25 Do steps in pages 21-24 for each crate Re-enable disabled boards in 0x53 For each crate: thresToAfpga

26 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 26 Checking the Quality of Calibration Run cft_sdaq is examine for sdaq run This is optional: setup d0online cft_sdaq username: password:

27 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 27 Aligning pedestals This is done rarely. If you swapped board you need to do it, but it does not have to be done before the first store with new board. The values to which pedestals will be aligned in calibration run are hard coded in in the following lines: AFE2PED=8 (for cps) AFE2PEDFT=45 AFE2PEDFPS=10 (for fps) The procedure for alignment of pedestals is following: 1.Decrease bias by 0.4 V a) Set bias_offset to –0.4 ( reachable via global parameter->SVX Parameter) b) From VRBCR menu: update bias c) From VRBCR menu: On bias 2. From VRBCR menu: zero peds_thrs in afpgas 3.Do analog thresholds calibration run (set SDAQ Parameters for analog thresholds calibration run, download crate, make run with the help of taker) 4.From VRBCR menu: a) check database b) new ft peds if you are calibrating cft : crate 50 c) new ft peds, new cps peds if you are calibrating cps: crate 51, 52 d) new fps peds if you are calibrating fps: crate 53 5.From VRBCR menu: write peds_zeroThrs to afpga 6.Download standard bias, as in 1) but with bias_offset set to 0.0 7.Do analog thresholds calibration run (set SDAQ Parameters for analog thresholds calibration run, download crate, make run with the help of taker) 8.From VRBCR menu: check database, new thresholds 9.From VRBCR menu: write peds_thrs to afpga 10.Restore bias by setting bias_offset to 0.0V, update bias, On bias You can write constant value to cft and fps pedestals in database by clicking on update ft peds to AFE2_pedestal. x7f results in pedestals around 55.

28 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 28 Calibration of Time, 3/10/10 Time calibration does not have to be done before first store with newly swapped board. The procedure is following: 1. Decrease bias by 4.0 V a) Set bias_offset to –4.0V (in SVX Parameter menu, reachable from global parameter button) b) From VRBCR menu: update bias c) From VRBCR menu: On bias 2. From VRBCR menu: increase Tript vthresh, do this 7 times (at cts set discriminator thresholds to xdc=220) 3. From VRBCR menu: download Tript vthres 4.With the help of AFE menu (global parameter->AFE Parameter->AFE2_threshold) set AFE2_threshold to xa0 (for cps threshold should be x12) 5.From VRBCR menu: write peds_AFE2thrs to afpga 6.Set parameters for sdaq run as shown on page 30 7.Download crate by clicking on download in cft_gui 8.From VRBCR menu: set EPICS passive 9.Close AFE monitoring script 10.Do sdaq run with the following settings: a)trigger: led/led-0x b)set appropriate registers in trigger framework for triggering on Xing 63. In the Register I/O Menu: Vertical Interconnect Master = 1, Vertical Interconnect Slave=2, Card Slot=21, Chip Address=16, Register Address=41, Write Data=60 (this is 3 less than the tick you want to select), decimal data format has to be selected, click Write button. 9. Calibration file will be created with the following name: /projects/D0cft/commiss/sdaq/data/VRBCR_5xruny.qinj 10.Check the quality of calibration by looking at the following histograms: a) AFE Hit Map. Look at all AFEs. Below is what you should see for cft and cps AFE boards. If Hit maps have structure, repeat the run and check again hit maps for all AFEs.

29 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 29 Calibration of Time, 3/27/09 b) Pedestal Means vs Vref. Ttitle is incorrect, these are time distributions, one plot per channel. Just look at few pixels. To recover from Time Calibration do the following: 1.From VRBCR menu: reset after charge inject 2.From VRBCR menu: set EPICS scan 3.Restart AFE monitoring: start_daq afe_monitor 4. Download standard bias, as in 1) on previous page, but with bias_offset set to 0.0 5. From VRBCR menu: decrease Tript vthresh, do this 7 times 6. From VRBCR menu: update cps disc thres-not needed for crate 0x50 7. Quit and restart cft_gui-not needed for crate 0x50 8. From VRBCR menu: download Tript vthres 9. From VRBCR menu: write peds_thrs to afpga In order for ft_examine to use new time calibration do the following: /online/examines/p20.11.01/ft_examine/cft_unpdata/peds 2.cp /projects/D0cft/commiss/sdaq/data/VRBCR_xruny.qinj. 4.edit in CftCalibData_nodb.rcp line: int TCalibRunList with time calibration run numbers for crate 50, 51, 52 ft_examine

30 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 30 SDAQ parameters for Time Calibration Notice:nsteps_v_thres 0x0 calinj_time_nstep 0x3 injtime1,2,3 0x0,0x2,0x4 calinj_q 0xf calinj_xing 0x3e (0x18 at cts) calinj_bits_nset 0x8 injbit_set1, 8: 0x1, 0x2, … 0x8 itc not selected q, injected charge is f=1111 One trip injected charge, another trip injected charge 1111=f, large charge to both 0101=5, small charge to both 1010=a, medium charge to both Histograms to look: AFE Hit Map Pedestal Means vs VREF ( contain time distributions for each channel)

31 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 31 Calibration of analogue Thresholds This is a must after you swapped AFE board. Go to DAQ shifter and ask to remove from the run the following crates: All cft crates: 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53 ( CFT/PS) Crate 0x13 (L1) Verify that crates are re-moved (check via monitor) including sequencer crates 3 and 5. Verify that that accelerator status and alarm conditions are appropriate for calibration.

32 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 32 Calibration of analog thresholds Checking Temperature Click plot cryo for VRBCR_50, VRBCR_51, VRBCR_52 and VRBCR_53 Check that temperature is stable

33 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 33 Calibration of analog thresholds Setting Parameters for Calibration Click on global parameter Click on SDAQ Parameter

34 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 34 Calibration of analog thresholds Setting Parameters Set Parameters: Click Modify database Notice: nevents_peds 10000.0 nevents_noise 100.0 nsteps_v_thres 0x0 nevents_sift_hits 0x0 run_number 100.0 calinj_time_nstep 0x0 calinj_bits_nset 0x0 itc selected For tests with 20% noise set nevents_noise 2000.0

35 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 35 Calibration of analog thresholds AFEII boards Click on write peds_zeroThrs to afpga.

36 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 36 Calibration of analog thresholds Downloading Click download for appropriate crate(s) VRBCR_50, VRBCR_51, VRBCR_52, VRBCR_53 Wait until download buttons turn green

37 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 37 Calibration of analog thresholds Taking Data Go to screen numbered 10 (ioc xterms taker) in CFT Console Crib Sheet. You should find there 4 terminals to ioc’s (ioc stands for input output controller) in VME crates 0x50 to 0x53. Calibration is run on these computers and you need to watch terminals for error messages. Prompt is -> and you can type pwd to get the identification. d0olctl94 is ioc in crate ox50 d0olctl95 is ioc in crate 0x51 d0olctl96 is ioc in crate ox52 d0olcfl97 is ioc in crate 0x53 If terminals are missing you can start them by typing: telnet t-d0-mch2 2017, 2020, as shown below

38 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 38 Calibration of analog thresholds Taking Data Stay in screen numbered 10 (ioc xterms taker) in CFT Console Crib Sheet Start taker (or use the one that is already started) setup d0online taker Click on Modify Click on Free Trigger-if allowed Click on Change Trigger

39 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 39 Calibration of analog thresholds Choosing Configuration File for Taker Choose the configuration file for taker Select Calibration Select cft

40 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 40 Calibration of analog thresholds Choose Configuration File for Taker Choose calib-all-1.1 (if calibrating all CFT crates) or choose …. Click OK Verify download is successful (as reported in taker window)

41 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 41 Calibration of analog thresholds Taking Data Click Start in taker window. Write calibration in Comment” field. Start button will change to Stop. Watch DAQ monitor. Watch ioc terminals for errors. If you see the following error messages : Stop run by clicking on Stop in taker window Re-download the crate Go back to first page of Taking data (remeber: Free Trigger, Change Trigger in Taker)

42 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 42 Calibration of analog thresholds Taking Data Do not worry about occasional messages like:

43 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 43 Calibration of analog thresholds Taking data Check DAQ monitor: Rate should be ~19 Hz, 99 % L1 busy Write in e-Log calibration run number There should not be any alarm during pedestal stage of calibration run Wait until Stop button will turn to Start in taker window

44 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 44 Calibration of analog thresholds Transferring SVX thresholds to Electronic Database For each crate that participated in calibration run: Left click on VRBCR_x (reached from cft_gui after clicking on “details”). Click on check database to see if data got to CFT calibration tables in database, if not, wait and click again until data are in database. Click on new thresholds to transfer calibration to electronics’ tables in database Click on plot thresholds change. Click on write peds_thrs to afpga. Right click on menu to get rid of menu.

45 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 45 For each crate: Click plot thresholds change Calibration of analog thresholds How to compare current calibration values to the old ones

46 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 46 Checking the quality of Calibration run Checking Calibration Data In Database After clicking on plot thresholds change the display will show up: Document in e-Log changes >5.

47 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 47 Checking the Quality of Calibration Run cft_sdaq is examine for sdaq run This is optional: setup d0online setup onl_cftcalib cft_sdaq username: password:

48 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 48 Calibration Constants on 21 November 08 Boards with “ragged” SVX thresholds, like board 3A2, have 4 edge modules connected to CFT detector, and 4 middle modules connected to CPS detector

49 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 49 Calibration Constants on 21 November 09 Boards with “ragged” SVX thresholds, like board 4A2, have 4 edge modules connected to CFT detector, and 4 middle modules connected to CPS detector.

50 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 50 Patching when calibration constants do not make to database Calibration constants are transferred to database by Calibration Manager written by Taka Yasuda. We had instances when Calibration Manger fails to do that. When that happens we need to do that ourselves (calibration programs writes “flat” files with calibration constants). Click on SDAQ Parameter.

51 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 51 Patching when calibration constants do not make to database run_number needs to be 100, if not type in 100.0. Click on Modify database.

52 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 52 Patching when calibration constants do not make to database Right click on VRBCR_x menu. Click reference_run_vthres if you calibrated discriminators. Click reference_run_svx, if you calibrated analog thresholds.

53 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 53 Patching when calibration constants do not make to database Type in calibration run number and click Modify database.

54 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 54 Patching when calibration constants do not make to database Left click VRBCR_x menu. \ Click insert CFT_PEDESTALS, insert individual SVX thr, followed by new thresholds if you need analog thresholds. Click insert vthres, followed by new vthres if you need discriminator thresholds. All this takes a while to complete

55 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 55 Using Old Calibration Run In SDAQ Parameter menu type into run_number calibration run_number. In VRBCR_x menu click on new thresholds or new vthresh. Type back 100.0 into run_number.

56 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 56 Preparing for Global Run download all crates. Free Trigger in taker.

57 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 57 Power cycling and insertion of new AFEII boards Disable AFEII boards that were neither inserted nor power-cycled. For example, below you see what you would do if any boards 6B* were either inserted or power-cycled. Click on write Personality to FLASH-this is needed only for newly inserted boards. Click on prgFPGAs, dld+AFEII init. If you only power-cycled boards click on thrsToAfpga at top bar buttons, re-enable disabled boards and click on download, if you inserted new AFEII boards go to next pages.

58 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 58 Insertion of new AFE boards Update AFE tables in database-there are instructions from Stefan how to do that. Quit cft_gui Restart cft_gui Open VRBCR_x menu: Click update bias, On bias. For left handed boards click also on temperature control off, temperature control on.

59 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 59 Insertion of new AFE boards Click on update EPICS. At that point CFT Alarm Display should not report any errors. Now you need to do calibration

60 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 60 Looking at data Program cft_sdaq will allow you to look at histograms accumulated in the calibration run. To invoke the program: setup onl_cftcalib cft_sdaq username: password: Histoscope and CFT Online Calibration windows will appear

61 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 61 Looking at data Expand VRBCR_52 Highlight FPD_VRB_5219 if you want to look at data from fpd detector Choose histograms you want. Here AFE Rms were chosen Click Start Go to histoscope window to see the histograms

62 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 62 Looking at data Also AFE Mean could be of interest

63 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 63 Looking at data Also of interest are: Pulse Height, OnlyChannel 61 AFE Hit Map

64 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 64 Transferring Calibration To Off-line Database Transfer calibration constants to off-line database from cft_gui. For crates 0x50, 0x51 and 0x52 (Crate 0x53 is fps crate and transfer to off-line is done by Anatoly Evdokimov) click on the following: 1. update thresholds in CFT_PEDESTALS, for crates 0x51,0x52 and 0x53 2. insert offline PED 3. insert PE thresholds 4. insert offline THRS 5. update previous Run number in offline calibration database is the same as run number in SVX_RUN_NUMBER in VRBCR database parameters, as long as run_number in SDAQ Parameter page is smaller than 1000. Otherwise run number in offline data base is set to RUN_NUMBER in SDAQ Parameter page (reachable in cft_gui from global parameter).

65 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 65 Transferring Calibration To Off-line Database Transfer to offline for CPS/FPS is done by Anatoly Evdokimov. You need to send e-mail to Anatoly with run number (s). CPS and FPS are readout by crates 0x51, 0x52, and 0x53. Crates 0x51 and 0x52 readout CFT and PS, crate 0x53 reads out FPS. This e-mail needs to be sent after you did item 1 on previous page (update thresholds in CFT_PEDESTALS for crates 0x51, 0x52 and 0x53)

66 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 66 Transferring Calibration To Off-line Database You do not need to read this page to do the transfer. The data are transferred for run# that you get by right clicking on VRBCR_x and clicking on calib_run_svx. calib_run_svx is updated after calibration of analog thresholds when you click on new thresholds. So you do not need to do anything. However you could change calib_run_svx by writing New value and clicking on Modify Database.

67 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 67 Transferring Calibration To Off-line Database On online machine:

68 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 68 Transferring Calibration To Off-line Database ssh -l calib d0ol102

69 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 69 CPS MIP Calibration, 3/27/09 CPS MIP calibration run needs 2 million triggers, if muon system is not working rate of useful tracks decreases buy 3 therefore one needs three times more triggers. Not working calorimeter is okay. CPS MIP calibration is done with collider data after reprogramming CPS tripts to high gain, and reprogramming AFPGAS so that the pedestals are at ~55 ADC count (8 for standard CPS configuration). The whole process consists of 4 following steps: 1. Between stores CPS tript gains are set to maximum by writing 7 to gain register, and CPS pedestals are set to 55 by writing 127 to AFPGAS for the value to be subtracted from ADC counts. SDAQ threshold calibration run is taken with noise of 20%. 2. Return to standard CPS configuration since most probably CPS MIP run will not follow immediately SDAQ run. 3. CPS MIP in store calibration run with settings as in point 1 and CPS thresholds from calibration run in point 1. Here one allows that CFT was re-calibrated after run in step 1, this is non-standard since until now one crate was always calibrated in one run. 4. Return to standard CPS configuration. Effort was made to optimize time needed since setup in points 3 and 4 will waste collider data nevents_noise is set to 2000.0 for 20% noise

70 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 70 CPS calibration, 5/12/09 Items between paraenthesis ‘ ‘ are in VRBCR menu Tript_vthres, tript_gain and AFE2_pedestal are set in AFE Parameter page reached from global parameter button. 1.Calibration: ‘update cps vthres to tript_vthres’ tript_vthres x96 ‘download cps Tript vthres’ ‘update cps tript gain to tript_gain’ tript_gain 0x7 ‘download cps tript gain’ ‘write peds_zeroThrs to afpga’ ‘write cps AFE2peds_zeroThrs to afpga ‘ AFE2_pedestal 0x7f set ‘bias_offset’ in ‘SVX Parameter’ menu to -0.4 update bias On bias take SDAQ special pedestal run-this run is pedestal run for CPS energy calibration set ‘bias_offset’ in ‘SVX Parameter’ menu to 0.0 update bias On bias SDAQ Parameter : nevents_noise: 2000.0 take SDAQ special thresholds calibration run, this run will be used to set thresholds for CPS data calibration run do not do ‘new thresholds’ 2. To return: ‘update cps disc thres’, ‘update cps tript gain’, restart gui ‘download cps Tript vthres’, ‘download cps tript gain’, ‘write peds_thrs’ to afpga or do calibration run

71 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 71 CPS calibration 5/12/09 3. CPS in store calibration: ‘update cps vthres to tript_vthres’ tript_vthres x96 ‘download cps Tript vthres’ ‘update cps tript gain to tript_gain’ tript_gain 0x7 ‘download cps tript gain’ SDAQ run# = calibration run # of SDAQ special thresholds calibration ‘new thresholds’ ‘write cps AFE2peds_thrs to afpga ‘ AFE2_pedestal 0x7f make one short fake run download crates, reset CTT 4. To return to std. running: ‘update cps disc thres’, ‘update cps tript gain’ restart gui ‘download cps Tript vthres’, ‘download cps tript gain’ SDAQ run#: std calibration run# ‘new thresholds’ ‘write cps peds_thrs to afpga’ make one fake run download crates, reset CTT

72 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 72 CPS calibration 5/12/09 5. Database calibration issues Put into online database SDAQ special calibration with run#= CPS_data_calibration_run#-1: reference_run_svx = SDAQ special pedestal calibration run# run_number in SDAQ Parameter menu = CPS_data_calibration_run#-1 insert CFT_PEDESTALS reference_run_svx = SDAQ special thresholds calibration run# insert individual SVX thr calib_run_svx = CPS_data_calibration_run#-1 update thresholds in CFT_PEDESTALS run_number in SDAQ Parameter menu = 100 Crate.stat file with run#= CPS_data_calibration_run#-1: Put into online database SDAQ standard calibration but with run # equal to the first data run# after CPS data calibration run – 1 reference_run_svx = SDAQ standard calibration run# run_number in SDAQ Parameter menu = CPS_data_run#-1 insert CFT_PEDESTALS insert individual SVX thr calib_run_svx = CPS_data_run#-1 update thresholds in CFT_PEDESTALS run_number in SDAQ Parameter menu = 100 Create corresponding.stat file.

73 21 November, 08, jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 73 About Charge Inject For CFT time calibration we set charge injected to xf. Other values are used sometimes. The meaning of bits is following: q_inj =xy x is fine time tuning y is charge magnitude y = xf =1111 large charge injected to both tripts y = x5=0101 small charge injected into both tripts y = xa=1010 medium charge injected into both tripts

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