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Utilizing and Accessing CAESY within EagleSoft The CAESY Integration within EagleSoft is available from multiple areas. 1.Clinical Virtual Screen by clicking.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing and Accessing CAESY within EagleSoft The CAESY Integration within EagleSoft is available from multiple areas. 1.Clinical Virtual Screen by clicking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing and Accessing CAESY within EagleSoft The CAESY Integration within EagleSoft is available from multiple areas. 1.Clinical Virtual Screen by clicking on the Patient Education Icon 2.Patient’s Chart 3.Patient’s Treatment Plan 4.Patient’s Informed Consent 5.Fast CheckIn

2 Setting up CAESY as a link to patient education in EagleSoft Right click on the CAESY icon on your desktop. Click on properties. Highlight the target line, and then choose copy. Open up EagleSoft. Go to File/Preferences and click on the Interfaces tab. Right click and paste the target line into the Command Line under the Patient Education area. This will allow the User to access CAESY from the Clinical Virtual Screen, by clicking on Patient Education.

3 Assigning CAESY Presentations to Service Codes Presently EagleSoft has CAESY presentations attached to the service codes, which makes them available within Chart, Treatment Plan, Fast CheckIn and the Patient’s Informed Consent. Different Presentations can be added or removed. To do this,go to list/service codes/edit the code of choice and click on the CAESY button to the right. Click the plus sign next to CAESY or ShowCase. Simply drag and drop the desired presentations into the right hand panel. To remove the presentations, drag and drop them back to the left hand panel.

4 Changing the Default Language for the CAESY Videos to be previewed within EagleSoft CAESY is available in both English and Spanish. The default Language in per patient in EagleSoft is English. To switch the language in EagleSoft to Spanish edit your patient/click on the Preferences button to the right and select Spanish at the bottom right hand corner.

5 Caesy through the Patient’s Chart To do so right click on a service code or codes and choose View Associated CAESY Presentations on the proposed, accepted or treatment that has been marked to walkout within the patient’s chart. All presentations that have been viewed will automatically be dated and notated as to what presentations were viewed in the patient’s note history.

6 CAESY Through Treatment Plan – Informed Consent To create an Informed Consent, click on the hyperlink located in the Trtmnt Plan window. The CAESY Video’s already assigned to the Treatment Plan service codes will automatically populate in the left panel under “Presentations Viewed” section. To preview the videos, click on the View Video’s button at the bottom of the screen. To add more CAESY Video’s to the current Informed Consent, select the plus next to CAESY or Smile Channel and drag up the video of choice to the “Selected Presentation” area.

7 CAESY Through Treatment Plan – Informed Consent After the Informed Consent has been reviewed with the patient, the patient can sign as well as the Witness. Click on “Create Consent”. This information will then be stored in SmartDoc as a permanent record.

8 CAESY through the Treatment Plan – View Presentations After a treatment plan has been created click on the CAESY icon located in the middle of the treatment plan window. You will have two options: 1. View Associated CAESY presentations. Choosing this option loads all of the presentations associated with the service codes that are in the treatment plan. The presentations can be previewed by clicking Next. They can also be seen in Full Screen view.

9 CAESY through the Treatment Plan continued – CAESY Presentation Wizard 2. Launch CAESY Presentation Wizard. This allows you to bring in a series of areas from EagleSoft to present to the patient either by CD, visually showing or printing. Patient Information Add the Patient Photo, Demographics, and Alerts Missing Tooth Info Existing and Completed Services, Conditions, Current Prescription Info and Watch Tooth Info AutoNotes

10 CAESY through the Treatment Plan continued – CAESY Presentation Wizard Treatment Plan Add Treatment Plans – select the Treatment plan from the drop down list and click on Add Plan Plan notes and Images tied to that Treatment Plan will appear in the bottom panel

11 CAESY through the Treatment Plan & CAESY Presentation Wizard Images Add Image Exams – select the image exam from the drop down list and click on Add Exam Unlimited Exams can be added Individual images can also be tied by choosing Other Exam from the drop down list. Click on Add Exam after images are selected. Right click functions available on images when selected.

12 CAESY through the Treatment Plan continued – CAESY Presentation Wizard Presentations Add CAESY and/or Smile Channel Presentations – click the plus sign next to CAESY or Smile Channel – find your selected presentation and drag/drop it to the right panel Videos can be previewed from this window by selecting the presentation in the right panel and clicking the play button on the bottom preview pane.

13 CAESY through the Treatment Plan continued – CAESY Presentation Wizard Create Presentation Once all of the information has been determined and selected under each of the four categories, click on Create Presentation This will allow you to enter into the CAESY ShowCase Software where you can Burn a CD to send home with your patient or show your patient the completed presentation chairside.

14 ShowCase

15 Fast CheckIn

16 Permanent Record As CAESY Videos are previewed or utilized for a presentation this information is stored in EagleSoft under the Patients Note History as a permanent Record.

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