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Odyssey of the Mind Information Meeting December 17, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Odyssey of the Mind Information Meeting December 17, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Odyssey of the Mind Information Meeting December 17, 2012

2 What is Odyssey of the Mind? International Creative Problem-Solving Program Creativity is a skill that can be taught and further developed with practice. Focus is to develop broad, independent- thinking abilities through a challenging and FUN learning process. —

3 What is Odyssey of the Mind? Team-effort, based loosely upon a sports model Teams usually demonstrate their solutions at a tournament in a 8 minute performance Odyssey develops creativity, real-life communication and brainstorming skills

4 Three Components of OM Long-Term Problem o Specific rules but open-ended o All solutions presented in skit form Style o Elaboration of long-term problem o Pizazz, sparkle, polish! Spontaneous o On the spot - anything goes! o Verbal, hands-on, and verbal/hands-on

5 What is Odyssey of the Mind Club? Weekly team-building activities, opportunities for creativity in a stress-free environment Work as teams to develop solutions to a long-term problem Will NOT compete at this year's regional tournament but will instead present solutions at a school-wide assembly in Feb/Mar Will attend regional OM events together as spectators

6 Problem Synopsis For this problem, teams will create and present an original performance that includes a replica of a documented architectural structure that was built between 1,000 AD and 1,600 AD. The performance will include three works of art that "disappear" and two characters that go on a quest to find them. When the works of art are found, they will be incorporated into the replica. The performance must also include two songs that are accompanied by some type of choreographed movement.

7 Spontaneous Problems Verbal: Your problem is to make a rhyme using a name or species of an animal. For example, you might say, "I think mice are nice" or "There's a cat in the hat." Hands-On: You are to build a structure of toothpicks and clay that will sit on a table. The structure will cantilever, or stick out, as far as possible.

8 Let's try it out! Verbal Hands-On: Each of you has an unsharpened pencil and a pipe cleaner. Your problem is to create something out of them and comment on it. For example you might bend the pipe cleaner into wings around the pencil and say, “It’s a butterfly,” or “My pencil is flying.”

9 Important Dates Spontaneous Workshop - January 26 (AM) School Assembly - late Feb/early Mar Poudre River Tournament - March 9

10 Cost & Materials FREE for RV students! (Thank you, PTAC!) Total cost for our solution must be $125 or less Inspires creativity! (duct tape & cardboard, garage-sale value, scavenging) Some “standard” and safety items are exempt from cost

11 Outside Assistance One of the most important parts of Odyssey is that the Team MUST conceive, design, construct, and perform their own ideas. Any adult or external help for the team is termed Outside Assistance (OA) and receives a significant penalty in competition. "Hands-On for Kids, Hands-Off for Adults"

12 Examples of Outside Assistance PARENTS/ADULTS CANNOT: Suggest what to buy Modify or repair props if they break Sew anything, paint anything, cut anything, or do anything to contribute to the team’s problem solution Suggest to the team which skills or materials would result in a better looking or better functioning solution Analyze why something failed or did not work

13 How Parents Can Help PARENTS CAN: Help provide snacks Transport the team to buy things Teach the team members a skill Open attics, closets, basements, recycle bins, for garage sale value materials Bring spontaneous problems and supplies Provide a place to meet and/or store props Get everyone and everything to the tournament

14 Next year... Teams will be comprised of 7 students who bring their long-term solution to a regional competition. Up to 6 teams can be formed from Range View (1 primary and 5 intermediate) Parents (or sets of parents) will be needed to coach teams and serve as volunteers or judges on tournament days. Teams will form in August, practices will begin in September.

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