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Budget for Year 2012 3 March 2012 Michael Ong 2011-2012 IEEE R10 Treasurer.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget for Year 2012 3 March 2012 Michael Ong 2011-2012 IEEE R10 Treasurer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget for Year 2012 3 March 2012 Michael Ong 2011-2012 IEEE R10 Treasurer

2 Budget for Year 2012 - Summary Item 20112012 Budget ( Ⅰ ) Final Actual ( Ⅲ ) Difference ( Ⅲ - Ⅰ ) Budget Net worth Carried Forward From Previous Year General Reserve( A )527,155 -640,742 Section Congress Reserve( B )177,500 -0 GOLD Congress Reserve( C )6,000 -0 Student Congress Reserve( D )10,000 -0 WIE Congress Reserve( E )5,000 -0 MGA Training Reserve( F ) Total( G )725,655 -640,742 Basic Resource for The Year From HQ( H )316,900357,43240,532345,000 Others( I )2,39536,30733,91210,000 From Section Congress Reserve ( J )177,500 -0 From GOLD Congress Reserve( K )6,000 -0 From Student Congress Reserve ( L )10,000 -0 From WIE Congress Reserve ( M )5,000 -0 From MGA Training Reserve(N) Bascic Resource Total(O)517,795592,23974,444355,000 Expenditure and To Reserve for The Year Region(P)485,990407,980(78,010)280,000 Committee(Q)109,20070,672(38,528)101,400 To Section Congress Reserve( R ) - - -60,000 To GOLD Congress Reserve( S ) - - -6,000 To Student Congress Reserve( T ) - - -10,000 To WIE Congress Reserve( U ) - - -5,000 Expenditure and To Reserve Total( V )595,190478,652(116,538)462,400 Balance (Basic Resource Total - Expenditure and To Reserve Total)( W )(77,395)113,587190,982107,400 Net worth Carried Forward To Next Year General Reserve( X )449,760640,741.81190,982533,342 Section Congress Reserve( Y )00060,000 GOLD Congress Reserve( Z )0006,000 Student Congress Reserve( AA )00010,000 WIE Congress Reserve(AB)0005,000 Total(AC)449,760640,741.81190,982614,342

3 note 1: Wiley advertisement=$1,000, ASMD email blasts=$1,500 Budget for Year 2012 - Basic Resource for The Year Item 20112012 Budget ( Ⅰ ) Final Actual ( Ⅲ ) Difference ( Ⅲ - Ⅰ ) Budget Income From HQ IRARegional Allocation156,900167,83310,933170,000 IRSRegional Assessment160,000189,59929,599175,000 ISSSection Support via Region (SSVR) - - - ISCSection Congress Subsidy from HQ - - - IDSRegional Director Subsidy - - - IIRRAB Investment Return - - - From HQ SubTotal316,900357,43240,532 345,000 ICRRegion 10 Conference Return -22,495 5,000 Others IINInterest2,3952,532137 2,500 IOTOther Income -11,280 2,500 Others SubTotal2,39536,30733,912 10,000 From Reserve ISCFrom Section Congress Reserve177,500 0 IGCFrom GOLD Congress Reserve6,000 0 ISTFrom Student Congress Reserve10,000 0 IWCFrom WIE Congress Reserve5,000 0 IMTFrom MGA Training Reserve - - - Basic Resource Total517,795592,23974,444 355,000

4 Budget for Year 2012 - Expenditure and To Reserve for The Year Items 20112012 Budget ( Ⅰ ) Final Actual ( Ⅲ ) Difference ( Ⅲ - Ⅰ ) Budget Expenditure Region BRORegional Office35,000.0015,302.00(19,698.00)30,000 BEXExCOM Meeting45,000.0041,797.43(3,202.57)50,000 BRMRegional Meeting140,000.00160,922.3120,922.31160,000 BSCSection Congress235,990.00175,443.54(60,546.46) BSSSection Support via Region BRDRegion Directors BTCRegion 10 Conference10,000.000.00(10,000.00)15,000 BEAExCOM Activities BOTOther Expenses20,000.0014,514.76(5,485.24)25,000 Region Sub Total485,990.00407,980.04(78,009.96)280,000 Committee ADVAdvisoryYJ Park10,000.000.00(10,000.00)9,000 AWDAwards & RecognitionTakatoshi Minami3,400.003,204.61(195.39)2,900 ECCElectronic Communication EACEducation ActivitiesS Aramvith8,000.006,718.55(1,281.45)8,000 NELNewsletterZia Ahmed2,000.000.00(2,000.00)2,000 LIAIndustry LiaisonRajendra Asthana2,250.00332.75(1,917.25)2,000 LIMLife Member MDCMembership Development & Life MemberHang-Bong Kang7,500.005,253.25(2,246.75)7,000 RCCConference & Technical SeminarBorhan14,000.004,835.60(9,164.40)16,000 RGPRegional GOLD ProgramTimothy Wong8,750.005,724.97(3,025.03)12,000 RGCGOLD Congress GPAProfessional Activities & HistoryY W Liu0.00 0 RSPRegional Strategic Planning RSTRegional StudentAby Kurian5,000.002,277.32(2,722.68)3,000 RSCRegional Section Cordinator RCHRegional Chapter SPPSpecial Project SACStudent ActivitiesTakao Onoye15,900.0012,353.21(3,546.79)11,000 STCStudent/GOLD/WIE Congress 10,000.0018,454.858,454.85 TECTechnical Activities WIEWoman In EngineeringTakako Hashimoto12,000.0011,517.09(482.91)14,000 WICWIE Congress HTCHumanitarian TechnologyDeepak Muthur5,000.000.00(5,000.00)7,500 ECNElectronic Communications & Info MgmtJing Dong500.000.00(500.00)500 SRCSection & ChapterJhing-fa Wang6,000.000.00(6,000.00)6,500 Committee Sub Total110,300.0070,672.20(39,627.80)101,400 To Reserve SCRTo Section Congress Reserve - - -60,000 RGRTo GOLD Congress Reserve - - -6,000 SRVTo Student Congress Reserve - - -10,000 WIRTo WIE Congress Reserve - - -5,000 Expenditure and To Reserve Total596,290.00478,652.24(117,637.76)462,400

5 1.Lowest discounted airfares is requested. 2.New procedure for grant reimbursement with: a) activity report b) finance/expense report c) receipts d) co-funding with section e) open call to all section for activities 3. Combined reimbursement if necessary

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