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Essay preparation Lesson Objectives: To understand the requirements of a paper 4 question. To plan out an essay that successfully evaluates and answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Essay preparation Lesson Objectives: To understand the requirements of a paper 4 question. To plan out an essay that successfully evaluates and answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essay preparation Lesson Objectives: To understand the requirements of a paper 4 question. To plan out an essay that successfully evaluates and answers the question. How significant was the Treaty of Versailles as a factor that weakened the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-1929? Explain your answer. [40]

2 First things first, de-construct the question How significant Means how important was the factor Factor A cause That weakened the Weimar republic 1919-1929. What do these dates mean? From the start of the Weimar Republic to the start of the great depression. How significant was the Treaty of Versailles as a factor that weakened the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-1929? Explain your answer. [40]

3 Problems weakening the Weimar Republic? LIST OF PROBLEMS: How many problems were created because of the T.O.V? Great opportunity for linking in your essay! (Top Level Skill) How significant was the Treaty of Versailles as a factor that weakened the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-1929? Explain your answer. [40]

4 Section One, with detailed paragraphs. How significant was the Treaty of Versailles as a factor that weakened the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-1929? Explain your answer. [40] Section One The Treaty’s impact on Weimar Germany. Economic sanctions Caused Germany to default causing the French occupation Meant that the economy couldn’t grow because there was a lack of new money Political credibility Lack of economic growth hurt the Weimar’s political credibility. Hurt further by signing the treaty which many Germans saw as a ‘stab in the back’ Land losses This lack of credibility also stemmed from the large land losses which caused Germany to not be able to economically tackle issues because a lot of their productive land was lost. What do we need next? By jove, it’s a link!


6 This section looks at everything else that weakened the Weimar Republic. How significant was the Treaty of Versailles as a factor that weakened the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-1929? Explain your answer. [40] Section Two Other factors weakening Weimar Germany. The Weimar constitution The way it was structured allowed for dictatorial rule (article 48) It also allowed for weak coaliation governments which led to instability within government The effects of WW1 Germany suffered heavily during WW1 and lost lots of young men in the fighting which added to the economic factors of WW1. It led to lots of orphans who were attracted to extremist parties. Extremist manipulation Extremist parties began to manipulate the situation to their own advantage. For example the Nazi party blaming Jewish people for the weak economy. By jove, it’s a link!

7 Time to plan it out! Using an essay map plan out your response to this paper 4 question. You have 30 minutes after which we will peer-assess each other’s plans.


9 Mr. Mark’s 10 commandments of this essay 1.Don’t be afraid to use the key words from the question. WEAKENED FACTORS 2.Remember to keep your introduction short and sweet. One sentence on what you believe, one sentence laying out the order of your essay. 3.Never lose sight of the question. ALWAYS ask yourself, how did this weaken the Weimar Republic? 4.Link, link, link. If a reason also links into another one, show you understand the two reasons are causally linked.

10 Mr. Mark’s 10 commandments of this essay 5.Be sure to conclude by wrapping up each point and then justifying which section was the most significant.

11 Peer marking At the bottom add scores for Support Depth Breadth Evaluate Links Conclusion

12 CriteriaExplanationExample SUPPORT Have you used lots (2 to 3 examples) of detailed and specific own knowledge to support every point you make? One factor that clearly weakened the Weimar Republic was….. For example…. Also…. And…… Therefore this weakened the Republic because……. BREADTH Have you covered a wide range of factors, from BOTH SIDES, including the one mentioned in the question? (Factor in question and at least three other factors) It was not just the Treaty of Versailles that weakened the Weimar Government there were also a range of other important factors that helped to weaken the government such as…..,……………………., and finally………. DEPTH Have you clearly explained how each factor links to the question and links to your own argument? (depth) Therefore this clearly weakened the Weimar Republic because……and it can be argued that…….. In addition to this……… that this was the most important factor because…….. EVALUATE Have you managed to clearly evaluate the significance of every factor and made comparisons throughout? This is most/least important factor because…… It is arguably more significant than…..because……. LINKS Have you managed to demonstrate your understanding of how some of your factors link to others? This factor also links to …….because………….and therefore it led to……….. CONCLUSIONS Have you produced a clear, focused and well explained conclusion? That answers the question and demonstrates your argument? In conclusion, the Weimar Republic was weakened for a number of reasons such as ……and…….. However the most significant factor weakening the Republic was………..This was so significant because……….

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