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1 Understanding and Leading Change: Liturgical Leadership and the Roman Missal, third typical edition.

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1 1 Understanding and Leading Change: Liturgical Leadership and the Roman Missal, third typical edition

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4 4 Change happens!

5 5 Some Resources: Kicanas. “Liturgical Leadership in a Time of Change”, With One Voice, FDLC. BCDW. “Embracing Change in the Liturgy”, Parish Guide to Implementing..., USCCB. ICEL. “Receiving This English Translation”, Become One Body, One Spirit in Christ, USCCB. Brown & Breig. Two brief news stories in The Church’s Common Treasure, USCCB.

6 6 Stories of Change Old wears out Something new and better Not always work Stewardship of resources

7 7 Why we change William Bridges, Managing Transitions 2003 and The Way of Transition 2001 Period of letting go, losing something Period of adjustment Period of new beginning

8 8 Why we change William Bridges, Managing Transitions 2003 and The Way of Transition 2001 Period of letting go, losing something Period of adjustment Period of new beginning Change process starts with an ending and concludes with a beginning.

9 9 Change in the Liturgy? Church, Liturgy never changes

10 10 Change in the Liturgy? Church, Liturgy never changes – not true Why Liturgy Changes To stay faithful to our roots To accommodate to needs To stay focused on the Paschal Mystery

11 11 General Duties Prepare for and manage change Believe and practice: Eucharist is central Provide expansive catechesis on Liturgy Begin with leaders and “leaders” Catechize, catechize, catechize Invite, invite, invite

12 12 Truths to Remember [T]he liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fount from which all the Church’s power flows. CSL, no. 10 … [In the] liturgical assembly…Faith grows when it is well expressed in celebration. Good celebration can foster and nourish faith. Poor celebrations may weaken it. STL, no. 5

13 13 Kicanas & Opportunities For re-instruction about the whole liturgical tradition of the Church For enriching the proclamation of the Word To deepen the sense of the sacred To catechize, to evangelize, to sing to the Lord a new song “The changes can be an occasion for a reawakening of the liturgical life of the Church, a new beginning.” With One Voice, pages 24-25

14 14 Steve Erspamer, Clip Art for Year C, no. 12 © 1994, Archdiocese of Chicago. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

15 15 Diocese of Springfield in Illinois Office for Worship and the Catechumenate PO Box 3187, Springfield IL 62708-3187 (217) 698-8500 Funded by the generous contributions to the Annual Catholic Services Appeal for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.

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