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MATTHEW 24:1-14; 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5. A DOSE OF REALITY Jesus spoke to His disciples letting them know that not all who claim to know Christ or follow Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "MATTHEW 24:1-14; 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5. A DOSE OF REALITY Jesus spoke to His disciples letting them know that not all who claim to know Christ or follow Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATTHEW 24:1-14; 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5

2 A DOSE OF REALITY Jesus spoke to His disciples letting them know that not all who claim to know Christ or follow Christ actually do There are those who preach and teach their own beliefs as opposed to those of Christ’s – false prophets In 2 Timothy, Paul gives us insight as to a dose of reality and that not all who profess Christ are truly following Him, but following after religious belief’s Paul’s words are not about the world, but about the church and it’s religious practices

3 THESE ARE DIFFICULT TIMES Paul further tells us that during the latter days, the church age, things could become difficult…so difficult that rumors and false prophecies will cause even the most committed of believers to question their faith Just as we are to avoid rumors, we are to avoid empty religion and those who spread its agenda

4 2 Timothy 3:5 Empty Religion Is A Constant Danger Hypocrites seldom recognize their hyprocrisy Their lives are based upon external measurements of rules, regulations, and self-righteousness We are called to live according to an inward relationship with Christ where His word is the standard and measuring rod for our existence

5 2 Timothy 3:2-4 The Root of Empty Religion Is Based Upon Misplaced Affections… Religion is an inaccurate love affair with self, money, and pleasure We are to have a balance of love: God and others…to love myself means that I am loving others in a way that I would want to be loved… Avoiding empty religion allows me to experience the fulfilling love for myself through loving God and others

6 2 Timothy 3:1, 5 Paul tells us that we are to know the signs and signals of empty religion…when we realize them in advance, we won’t be thrown off balance when we see the things happening that are happening… When we see professing Christians even brazenly pursuing the love of self, money, and pleasure, instead of the love of God, we won’t be surprised and most importantly, we won’t be mislead and misdirected

7 2 Timothy 3:5 We are called to AVOID – present imperative active = to do something which involves continuous or repeated action… Continue avoid those who practice empty religion; stay away from – meaning to avoid the same situations that lead them astray that they not lead you astray Continue to avoid anything and anyone that will keep us from the inward, transforming, life-giving relationship that we have with Jesus Christ.

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