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_______ber _______uary A_______ Ma________ Which months are they? Ju________ Novem Septem Octo Decem ne ly Jan Febr ugust rch pril y.

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Presentation on theme: "_______ber _______uary A_______ Ma________ Which months are they? Ju________ Novem Septem Octo Decem ne ly Jan Febr ugust rch pril y."— Presentation transcript:


2 _______ber _______uary A_______ Ma________ Which months are they? Ju________ Novem Septem Octo Decem ne ly Jan Febr ugust rch pril y

3 four 4 fourth 第 4 一般就加 th ten tenth 第 10 基数词序数词

4 one 1 two 2 three 3 first 第 1 second 第 2 third 第 3 一 二 三 特 殊 记,

5 eight 8 eightth 第 8 八去 t 词尾加上 th

6 nine 9 nineth 第 9 九去 e 词尾加上 th

7 five 5 fivefth 第 5 twelve 12 twelvefth 第 12 ve 要用 f 替 词尾加上 th

8 twenty 20 twentyieth 第 20 见 y 变为 i 和 e , 词尾加上 th

9 thirty-two 32 thirty-second 第 32 若是遇上几十几, 只变个位就可以

10 一 二 三 特 殊 记, first , second , third 八去 t, 九去 e, ve 要用 f 替, 见 y 变为 i 和 e , 词尾加上 th, 若是遇上几十几, 只变个位就可以。

11 first 第 1=1 st 21 st 31st second 第 2=2 nd 22nd third 第 3=3 rd 23rd fourth 第 4=4th eighth 第 8=8th ninth 第 9=9th fifth 第 5=5th twelfth 第 12=12th twentieth 第 20=20th 朗读下列序数词和相应的缩写词

12 New Year’s Day It’s on January 1 st. It’s on the 1 st of January. When is New Year’s Day?

13 Chinese New Year It’s on Feruary 3 rd. It’s on the 3 rd of Feruary. When is Chinese New Year ?

14 Children’s Day It’s on June 1 st. It’s on the 1 st of June. When is Children’s Day ?

15 Teachers’ Day It’s on September 10 th It’s on the 10 th of September When is Teachers’ Day ?

16 Qingming Festival April 5th

17 Dragon Boat Festival June 16th

18 May Day May 1 st

19 Women’s Day March 8th

20 Army Day August 1 st

21 Mid-autumn Festival September 22nd

22 National Day October 1 st

23 My birthday is on the 13th of October. When is your birthday?

24 NameWhen is your birthday? Zhang YutongOn the 18th of March 请用 When is your birthday? 调查你的 3 名好朋友的生日并填表。


26 This is the first term of our school year. We usually start the first term in September. What’s the Chinese for term?

27 How many terms are there in your school year? There’re two.

28 autumn term spring term

29 When does the autumn term start? It starts in September and ends in January. When does the spring term start? It starts in February and ends in June. Does the spring term start in February ? Yes.

30 1How many terms are there in Rose’s school year? There’re four. 2When does the autumn term start? 3When does the winter term start? It starts in September and ends in December. It starts in January and ends in April.

31 4Does the spring term begin in May? 5When does the summer term start? Yes. It starts in July and ends in September.

32 Book 5 Module 1 Unit 2 Work With Language

33 10 分 20 分 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 Choose a number:

34 10+30= 40

35 20+40=60

36 11+9= 20

37 5+15=20

38 15+25= 40

39 6+24= 30

40 45+35= 80

41 55+11=66

42 30+18= 48

43 15+50= 65

44 two eight three twelve one twenty-five eighty-six forty-four eleven thirteen

45 first fift h thir d eighth secon d twenty-first ninetieth forty-fifth twelfth ninth

46 Mother’s Day the second Sunday in May

47 The Birthday of CCP 1 st July

48 Father’s Day the third Sunday in June

49 Guess and complete the chart of the special days Date / DayFestival 1 st January Easter (复活节) New Year’s Day 21 st March

50 Fool’s Day Halloween ( 万圣节 ) Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) Christmas Day (圣 诞节) the end of October/ 31st October 25th December The fourth Thursday in November 1 st April

51 Please complete the following sentences. 1.The beginning of the year is the ___ of ___. 2.This year, Chinese New Year is on the ____ of ____. 3.Children’s Day is on the _____ of _____. 4.Teachers’ Day is on the _____ of _____. first January ninth February firstJune tenthSeptember

52 1.My mother’s birthday is on the _______ of _____. 2.My birthday is on the ____of ___. 3.What day is it today? It’s _______. 4.What date is it today? It’s _____________.

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