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Modern China - Throw Away Your Prejudice! - Presented by Bo.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern China - Throw Away Your Prejudice! - Presented by Bo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern China - Throw Away Your Prejudice! - Presented by Bo

2 China’s Economy  China is one of the earliest centers of human civilization  Before 19th century, China was always the largest economy in the world  GDP: $2.279 trillion (the 4th largest economy in the world)  GDP (PPP): $8.158 trillion (the second largest economy)  GDP - per capita (PPP): $6,300  Economic Miracle: The real average annual GDP growth rate is 9.6% in the past 25 years.  In 2005, the real GDP growth rate is 9.9%. In 1st quarter of 2006, the growth rate is 10.2%  Foreign Reserves: by the end of Feb. 2006, $853.7 billion (No.1 in the world)

3 Future about China’s Economy  Extrapolating past real GDP growth rates into the future, the size of the Chinese economy surpasses that of the U.S. in purchasing power terms between 2012 and 2015; by 2025, China will be the world's largest economic power by almost any measure.  China’s real GDP per capita will surpass that of the U.S. in around 2036-2039

4  Pictures about Modern China - Shanghai

5 Pictures about Modern China - Shanghai




9 Pictures about Modern China - Beijing


11 Pictures about Modern China - Guangzhou





16 Pictures about Modern China - Shenzhen

17 Pictures about Modern China - Changsha




21 Pictures about Modern China - Road



24 Pictures about Modern China - Countryside




28  Pictures about Modern China – Personal Home

29 Pictures about Modern China - Villa






35 Pictures about Modern China – Luxury *** The following car is Bentley Mulliner 728 limousines, the world’s most expensive car at $ 1. 2 million. In 2002-2004, Bentley sold 10 Mulliner 728 cars, 7 of which were bought by Chinese people. *** China is now the third-biggest consumer of luxury goods, accounting for 12 percent of sales worldwide, up from 1 percent just five years ago, according to a recent report from Goldman Sachs. If the high living continues as expected, China will surpass Japan to become the world's second-largest purchaser of luxury goods by 2015, when it could account for 29 percent of the world's luxury sales, the report said.

36 Pictures about Modern China – Daily Life C ommercial Street in Shanghai

37 Pictures about Modern China – Daily Life C ommercial Street in Changsha

38 Pictures about Modern China - Daily Life Club

39 Pictures about Modern China - Daily Life BAR

40 Pictures about Modern China - Party

41 Pictures about Modern China - street dance

42 Pictures about Modern China – Western girls hired by Chinese entertainment company

43 Pictures about Modern China - Fashion


45 Pictures about Modern China – An ordinary company in Changsha

46 Pictures about Modern China – Fortune 500  In 2005, 18 Chinese companies are listed in Fortune 500.  In the future, more and more Chinese enterprises will join the club of Fortune 500  Listed Companies  1. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (31th)  2. State Grid Co. of China (40th)  3. China Natural Petroleum Corporation (46th)  ……  7. China Telecommunication Corporation (262th)  ……

47 Pictures about Modern China - opportunities  Chinese National Savings is now 32 trillion CNYs, that is, 4 trillion dollars!  A land full of opportunities for the world  Service industry  Stock market

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