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Title Karten Centres and their contribution to ISCs.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Karten Centres and their contribution to ISCs."— Presentation transcript:

1 title Karten Centres and their contribution to ISCs

2 Session objectives Understanding of the Karten CTEC Centres’ model Understanding of the background to the Network Share how we can all benefit from the Network Develop a plan for future actions

3 What are Karten Centres? IT Centres for disabled people in host organisations 113 in UK and Israel Capital costs funded through the Ian Karten Charitable Trust No model of what a centre ought to be Easy application process No focus on a specific disability or sector

4 Where are the centres? In General FE colleges In ISCs In Day Services In training provision In residential provision In homes for older people In hospitals

5 What do the Centres do? Traditionally, a bank of PCs with assistive technology, both hardware and software Now – limited only by the imagination of the hosts Office skills Social enterprises Multi-media centres Enablers of self employment

6 Background to the Karten Network Ian needed a scholarship to complete his degree and vowed to give back what he could – 3000 times over Saw a young man using chin switches and an on-screen keyboard to write a letter independently Fired his imagination as to the enabling impact of technology

7 The transformational effect of capital investment A source of funding that fills a big gap, enabling projects to get underway and prove themselves Fills the shortfall in government funding

8 Impact of working across sectors Different sectors have different strengths and different challenges We tend to work within our own sectors The Karten Network gives the opportunity to share best practice across sector boundaries

9 Benefits for those without a CTEC Centre Annual conference: Tuesday 23 rd October, QAC Electronic newsletter Potential for further funding in the future Information resource

10 How to take this forward Research potential Work placements Transition

11 Thank you! Ceri Hibbert Network Development Manager 07530 702134

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