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Proximity Hotel M&V Project Progress Report November 13, 2008.

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1 Proximity Hotel M&V Project Progress Report November 13, 2008

2 Proximity Hotel We conducted an interview with the National Weather Channel Interview was part of a video presentation about the hotel which aired during the last week of October. Our part of the presentation was not aired because of the expanded coverage of the blizzard in New England.

3 Proximity Hotel Chancellor Battle was invited to speak at the LEED award ceremony A&T faculty and students were invited to participate in the ceremony. We added State Senator Katie Dorsett to the list of special guests Chancellor Battle acknowledged CERT’s grant from the Legislature

4 Proximity Hotel We continue to monitor utility bills and the energy consumed by the chiller. We conducted a two-week study of ventilation in the hotel. We conducted a two-week study of energy consumption on the guest room floors.

5 Other Hotels/Restaurants Began collecting and analyzing utility data for the O’ Henry Hotel/Green Valley Grille Made initial contact with the only two Energy Star Hotels in NC (Marriott Hotels in Charlotte and Durham.)

6 Appalachian State University Reviewed the retrofit lighting plan for the Broyhill Inn and the I.G. Greer classroom building. Toured the Broyhill Inn and Greer Building Installed electric sub-meters in both buildings to collect “before” data.

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