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PPT#4 TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING The need to know: Bioengineering involves the use of technology to alter or improve living things. Bioengineered technologies.

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3 The need to know: Bioengineering involves the use of technology to alter or improve living things. Bioengineered technologies can be classified as either assistive or adaptive. Assistive technologies are developed to HELP organisms without changing them. Adaptive bioengineered products CHANGE the living organism.

4 CRICOS: 00116K Many careers involve bioengineering: 1. Biomedical Engineer: Design products and procedures that solve medical problems. These include artificial organs, prostheses, instrumentation, medical information systems, and health management and care delivery systems.

5 Artificial Heart Artificial Skin Artificial Hip Hearing Aide Prosthetics

6 Bioengineering: 2. FORENSICS PCR machines (Polymerase Chain Reaction) allow scientists to create a vast quantity (copies) of a piece of DNA found at a crime scene.

7 Bioengineering: AGRICULTURE Bioengineering can make crops resistant to diseases, herbicides, frost, & pests. Crops for food is altered so that it is more nutritious and better tasting.

8 Biofuels A fuel made from living things. Biofuels substituted for some of the gasoline burned in automobile engines. With the help of bacteria, ethanol can be made from cellulose, a substance in the hard fibers of plants

9 Science and Technology Technology is the practical use of science, or applied science. Engineers apply science to develop technology. 1 1 What is science? The study of how to use the energy of sunlight is science. Using this knowledge to create solar panels is technology.

10 Technology & Society Technology provides solutions for many types of social, political, and economic needs. Intended Benefit is the positive purpose for which a technology is designed to be used. Unintended Consequences are uses or results that engineers do not purposely include in the design of products. An unintended consequence is usually harmful but can also be beneficial.

11 Bioengineered products: Bioengineered products must be tested for safety. One risk is moving genes from one species to another and causing allergic reactions in people. Most people, who drink green tea, do it for a simple reason and that is to loose weight and cut down on fat. It is now believed to be helpful in Dental Care and Tooth Decay as well besides treating Diabetes and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Syndrome (IBDS). There is more research being performed on the benefits of green tea and soon it might be an answer to inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Green Tea might be helpful in reducing inflammation and slowing cartilage breakdown.

12 Intended benefit and unintended consequences List the intended benefit and unintended consequence for each technology: Aspirin Intended benefit- pain reliever Unintended consequence- prevents heart attacks & reduce the severity of strokes (POSITIVE) -causes ulcers with long term use (NEGATIVE) Cars Intended benefit- Faster transportation Unintended consequence- air pollution DDT (pesticide) Intended benefit- kill insects and other plant pests Unintended consequence- interfering with the reproduction in birds and killed them; helped put bald eagles on the endangered species list

13 JOURNAL PRACTICE Section: Science and Engineering What is one important technology in your life? Describe why this technology is important to you. Why do you think this technology was originally designed? What need did it fill? What are the intended benefits of this technology? If the technology has changed over time, explain how it has changed. Write your answers in your science journal.

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