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Memos of Group #1 Discussion T.Higuchi / KEK. Aim of the discussion Rough idea of section design. Discuss overlaps and conflicts across sections.

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Presentation on theme: "Memos of Group #1 Discussion T.Higuchi / KEK. Aim of the discussion Rough idea of section design. Discuss overlaps and conflicts across sections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memos of Group #1 Discussion T.Higuchi / KEK

2 Aim of the discussion Rough idea of section design. Discuss overlaps and conflicts across sections

3 B-Factory and Detectors Organization of chapter Chapter #0 (new): General introduction, ideal B-factory Chapter #1: Accelerators KEKB person is under contact to be a section editor Chapter #2: Detectors Detector section is to support readers’ understanding of the following analysis sections. Avoid to include everything. Write documents to enhance differences of the two detectors. Organize sections subdetector-by-subdetector? Or all Belle (BaBar) first, then all BaBar (Belle) follows? Following items can be included: pi0 reconstruction, K/pi separation, tracking, momentum resolution, timing resolution, etc. Chapter #3 (new): Summary of data taking over 10 years Outlook of B-factory To avoid the book used under political motivation, outlook is not expected to be included into the book.

4 Tools and Methods Suggestion of chapter reordering The “multivariate discrimination” chapter should be moved to earlier (or top). Flavor tagging, PID (new), Background discrimination (new) can be sections of the “multivariate discrimination” chapter. Role of the “analysis optimization” chapter can be done also by the “multivariate discrimination” chapter. Tracking or other analysis techniques, which are hidden from analysts to some extent, can be in the detector part. Neural network technique itself can be in Appendix part. Tools that are not developed by ourselves (Belle/BaBar) should not be written in detail. Just reference for them is OK. Statistical technique: Baysian, Feldmann-Cousins, etc. SPLOT, developed by a BaBar person, should be mentioned in the tools part.

5 Chapter for MC production should be added. Main content of the chapter should be “how B-factories simulate data?” As discussed above, tools we are just using, should not be written in detail, i.e: PYTHIA, Jet-set, GEANT, etc. Computing issues for MC production may be written in the “detector” part as a part of the detector. The “Vertexing” chapter The word “vertexing” here is an alias of tools and techniques related to the Δt analyses (but not only to that). Contents would be vertexing itself, resolution function, interaction point constraint vertex fit, etc. List of sections needs updated. Mixing/CPT/EPR, Global CKM fit The CKM unitarity test should be included into the “global CKM fit” chapter.

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