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Moroccan foods Influences and history. Moroccan cooking  Is *DIVERSE*  Has been influenced by many different cultures over the years.  Moroccan food.

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Presentation on theme: "Moroccan foods Influences and history. Moroccan cooking  Is *DIVERSE*  Has been influenced by many different cultures over the years.  Moroccan food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moroccan foods Influences and history

2 Moroccan cooking  Is *DIVERSE*  Has been influenced by many different cultures over the years.  Moroccan food has been influenced by its geography!  Moroccans are lucky because….  Morocco can grow/produce almost all the food it needs to feed its people!  Not many countries can do that!

3 Where’s it from  From the coast we get…  Fish and other seafood  From the farms we get…  Lamb and chickens as well as fruits and vegetables  From the desert we get…  Tajines! Tajines were specifically made because they didn’t need much water to cook with!

4 Romans  Wines and wine making (Meknes & Volubilis)

5 First—the Berbers  The Berbers used ingredients that were available here in Morocco such as  Olives, Dates, and Figs to make lamb and chicken stews 

6 Arabs  In the 7 th century the Arabs invaded Morocco.  The Arabs brought news grains and other products made from grains such as breads.  SPICES—The Arabs introduced spices to Morocco such as cinnamon, ginger, saffron, cumin, and caraway http://yalesustainablefoo g

7 Moorish (From Spain)  Pastilla was brought to Morocco by the Moors coming from Spain  Paella is also from Spain  Bocadillos http://chocola teandzucchini. com/archives/i mages/sweet/ pear_pastilla.j pg

8 France  Pastries and cakes  Cheese  Baguettes bonzai- fba/Globe_Photo/2007/0 2/16/1171645586_3754.j pg

9 China and England  Although Europeans/Arabs introduced black and green tea to Morocco, the tea comes from China and other parts of Asia! The English first brought tea to Morocco in 1850!

10 Special to Morocco…  Argan oil and nuts!  Can’t be found elsewhere!  Moroccan Olive Oil  Is much STRONGER than olive oils from Italy, France and Sapin  They are “pungent”.  Olives are exported to elsewhere around the world

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