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Fischdiversität limnischer und mariner Ökosysteme Rainer Froese IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel 8. Tagung GFI, Frankfurt, 2.9.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Fischdiversität limnischer und mariner Ökosysteme Rainer Froese IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel 8. Tagung GFI, Frankfurt, 2.9.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fischdiversität limnischer und mariner Ökosysteme Rainer Froese IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel 8. Tagung GFI, Frankfurt, 2.9.2011


3 Phylogeny of Fishes (based on FishBase 08/2011) In Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Fishes comprise 6 Classes 64 Orders 537 Families 4,955 Genera 31,857 Species

4 Phylogeny of Fishes ClassesCommon ancestor (million y) Orders (n) Families (n) Genera (n) Species (n, %) Myxini (hagfishes) 600116780.2 Cephalaspidomorphi (lampreys) 45011 8 430.1 Holocephali (chimaeras) 420136500.1 Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays) 42011501871,1373.6 Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes) 42034480.04 Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) 400474784,74330,54195.9 Total 645374,95431,857100 FishBase 08/2011

5 Fishes by Salinity Primary freshwater fishes 14,349 Primary marine fishes14,786 Brackish & diadromous fishes 2,976 Based on FishBase 08/2011 Counts include subspecies

6 Human Use of Fishes Extant finfish32,111 Used in fisheries 4,662 Used in aquaculture 364 Used as bait 205 In ornamental trade 3,233 – marine 1,327 – freshwater 1,906 – mainly bred 702 Used in angling 1,139 Total used by humans 7,398 Based on FishBase 08/2011 Counts include subspecies

7 Fishes Affected by Humans Threatened by extinction 1,737 – (Based on IUCN Red List of 2010) Introduced between countries 877 – (transferred to and establish in another country) Based on FishBase 08/2011 Counts include subspecies

8 Fishes Affecting Humans Dangerous fish1,038 – (poisonous, venemous, traumatogenic, pests, etc.) Based on FishBase 08/2011 Counts include subspecies

9 How To Get There Section ‚Tools‘ Button ‚Fish Statistics‘

10 10 Size Distribution of Fishes Frequency distribution of maximum lengths in 23,685 species of fishes, Median = 15.9 cm

11 11 Extreme Size in Fishes What are the largest fishes on Earth? – FishBase, Tools, World Records 10 largest fishes What are the smallest fishes on Earth? – FishBase, Tools, World Records 10 smallest fishes

12 12 Why Does Size Matter? Some Things Increase! Predators are larger than their prey FB, FishBase Book, Trophic Ecology, The Predators Table Swimming speed increases with body length FB, FishBase Book, Morphology and Physiology, The Swimming and Speed Tables Fecundity increases with size (Fec = aL b ) – b median = 3 FB, Coryphaena hippurus, More information, Spawning, USA - Florida current, a = 0.252, b = 3.12 References increase with size

13 13 Why Does Size Matter? Some Things Decrease! Metabolic rate decreases with size FB, Oreochromis niloticus, More information, Metabolism, Relative oxygen consumption graph Growth rate decreases with size FB, O. niloticus, More information, Growth, Auximetric graph Natural mortality decreases with size FB, O. niloticus, More information, Growth, M vs. Linf graph Relative brain size decreases with size FB, O. niloticus, More information, Brains, Relative brain weight graph Relative gill area decreases with size FB, O. niloticus, More information, Gill area, Gill area vs body weight graph, About this graph

14 14 Why Does Size Matter? Some Things Don’t Change (Much) Size at maturity FB, Oreochromis niloticus, More information, Growth, Reproductive load graph Body proportions FB, O. niloticus, More information, L-L relationship, e.g. SL = a + b TL if a = 0 then SL is a fixed ratio of TL FB, O. niloticus, More information, L-W relationship: -> if b ~ 3 then isometric growth

15 Most Fish Grow Isometrically Frequency distribution of mean exponent b based on 3,929 records for 1,773 species, with median = 3.025, 95% CL = 3.011 – 3.036, 5th percentile = 2.65 and 95th percentile = 3.39, minimum = 1.96, maximum = 3.94; the normal distribution line is overlaid. W = a L b

16 Fish Grow Forever

17 Whale shark vs Fin whale

18 Maturity is Size-Driven Growth in weight has an inflection point at 0.3 W inf = 2/3 L inf (if growth is isometric with b ~ 3) Fish mature before or at that size max dW/dt First maturity

19 Variability in Maturity

20 Longevity vs Taylor’s 3/K 353 species, FishBase 11/2006 1 : 1

21 Longevity vs Temperature

22 Longevity vs Maximum Length Maximum age and length known for 1036 species of fishes, FishBase 11/2006

23 Maximum Length vs Longevity Maximum length and age known for 1036 species of fishes, FishBase 11/2006 (Slope = 0.80, 95% CL = 0.76-0.84, r 2 = 0.6124)

24 L ∞ vs t max within Species Median slope for populations within 141 species = 0.42 (95% CL = 0.39-0.46) 6410 growth studies FishBase 11/2006

25 Longevity vs Age at Maturity t max ~ 4 * t m

26 Longevity vs Environment Diadromous

27 Longevity vs Habitat

28 Natural Mortality is Rather Constant in Adults

29 Life History Summary Note: Blue line is not to scale

30 Growth in Weight

31 Six Zoogeographic Realms Alfred Russell Wallace, 1876. The Geographical Distribution of Animals

32 Freshwater Fish Diversity Realm Species Nearctic 1,096 Palearctic 1,438 Neotropical 4,388 Ethiopian 3,215 Oriental 2,843 Australian 674 Based on FishBase 08/2011 Counts include subspecies

33 Global Species Richness 33

34 Tools: Equatorial Species Richness Transect across the Indo-Pacific 34

35 Fish Diversity of the Oceans Arctic 130 Atlantic 4,900 Pacific 10,500 Indian 6,000 Pacific 10,500 Antarctic 370 Total: ~16,000 marine or diadromous fishes, several thousand in more than one Ocean

36 Diversity in Large Marine Ecosystems North Sea 190 Mediterranean 700 Caribbean 1,600 Canary 1,300 South Brazil 970 Patagonian 340 Benguela 820 Greenland 190 Humboldt 750 California 800 Alaska 320 Hawaiian 840 Red Sea 1,200 Agulhas 1,400 Bay of Bengal 700 West 470 Indonesian 2,400 East 1240 Australian East-China 1,040 Polynesian 810 Weddell Sea 25

37 How About Climate Change? 37

38 Expected Changes in Environmental Parameters in 2050 Climate zoneSurface Temp. (°C) Bottom Temp. (°C) SalinityBottom Salinity Ice concentration (%) Arctic+0.7+1.6-1.2-0.8-9 Temperate N+0.4+0.8-0.7-0.3-2 Subtropical N+1.0-0.1-0.3-0.00 Tropical+1.4-0.3-0.20.00 Subtropical S+0.5+0.3-0.200 Temperate S+0.4+0.7-0.10.0-0.3 Antarctic+0.7+0.5-0.20.0-3 38

39 Preliminary Analysis 821 marine fishes with verified maps Global suitable habitat in 1999 and 2050 Only core habitat considered (P > 0.5) 39

40 More Losers than Winners Change in suitable habitat area in 2050 for 821 species of marine fishes. Median loss in area is 6% (95% CL 5.1 – 6.8), significantly different from zero. Data from AquaMaps 2010.

41 Sharks and Bony Fish Lose Both Change in suitable habitat area in 2050 by Class. No loss for 2 lampreys and 3 chimaeras. About 6 % loss for 128 sharks and rays and 688 ray-finned fishes. The areas that are most suitable for sharks and rays do not shrink or expand more than those for ray-finned fishes. Data from AquaMaps and FishBase.

42 Evolution Did Not Help Change in suitable habitat area in 2050 by phylogenetic rank, with primitive species on the left and highly derive species on the right. The areas most suitable for primitive species do not shrink or expand more that those most suitable for highly-derived species.

43 Being Special Does Not Help Change in suitable habitat area in 2050 by phylogenetic uniqueness of the respective species, for 821 marine fishes. The areas most suitable for unique species do not shrink or expand more than the areas most suitable for species with many close relatives.

44 Size Does Not Matter Change in suitable habitat area in 2050 by maximum body length for 821 marine fishes. The areas most suitable for large fishes do not shrink or expand more than those of small fishes.

45 Highways and Homes Change in suitable habitat area in 2050 by migratory behavior for 821 marine fishes. The areas most suitable for oceanodromous and diadromous fishes do not lose or gain more than those of non-migratory fishes.

46 No Change (yet) in the Deep (but reefs are getting hot) Change in suitable area in 2050 by preferred habitat for 821 marine fishes. The deep sea and its (104) species are less affected by climate change. More than 50% of the reef-associated fishes are likely to lose suitable habitat.

47 The Tropics Lose Change in suitable area in 2050 by climate zone for 821 marine fishes. Deep-sea areas (113 species) show no significant change. Also, suitable polar areas (19 species) show no change, maybe because losses due to increased temperature are made up for by receding ice-cover. Temperate species (128) may gain slightly (Median 1.6%, 95% CL -0.4 – 3.1). Suitable areas for subtropical (227) and tropical (334) fishes shrink significantly by about 8%.

48 Cosmopolitans Less Affected (1)? Change in suitable area in 2050 by size of current suitable area, for 821 marine fishes. Extreme points may be artifacts. Overall it seems that suitable areas of 0.5 to 20 million km2 have more potential for shrinkage than areas over 40 million km2.

49 Cosmopolitans Less Affected (2)? Change in suitable area in 2050 by latitudinal range, for 821 marine fishes. No trend is visible.

50 Summary Fishes are the largest group of vertebrates Fishes are well researched Eschmeyer‘s Catalogue of Fishes and Fishbase are unique resources of standardized information Fishes are well suited for studies in macro- ecology and global biodiversity

51 Thank You Rainer Froese IFM-GEOMAR

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