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Presentation on theme: " “A Tale from Climate Ground Zero...” Our Expectation from CoP-21 Paris Climate Conference Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Tale from Climate Ground Zero...” Our Expectation from CoP-21 Paris Climate Conference Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

2 EquityBD Campaign, following “Track- II” Diplomacy i. Campaign internationally since 2007 on climate Induced migrants through; -Seminar in CoP premises -Exhibition “Climate in Ground Zero” since CoP Bali -Presenting Ground Reality to West as It is the Problem of Tomorrow for them. ii.Campaign also on Aid, Trade and WTO issues Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

3 Our latest achievement -Nansen Initiatives have include the climate induced migrants issue for global and inter-state advocacy. -Latest TRIPS waiver for LDCs as a milestone of CSO mobilization, parallel with govt. process. A TALE from CLIMATE GROUND ZERO Book launching is an initiative of expediting the issue in CoP-21 & onward Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

4 What we expect in Paris Deal a. A Legally Binding Agreement that follows - Equity principle with a notion of CBDR for developed and poor country context b. International Court for Climate Change Compliance and Justice/ International Legal Institution for; - Forcing the law - Implementation of compliance & monitoring - Dispute Resolution Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

5 Situation somewhat frustrating Draft Text: Favoring the big emitters -Try to insert or diluting the text as favoring point of view of Annex-1 - Try to use new term and concept like “developed & developing country party”, “countries in need of support” etc. -Scientific gambling on defining the “emission reduction” Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

6 Situation somewhat frustrating Big divides remain on the key issues - There is no differentiation between developed and developing countries in the proposed operational provisions. -They are all treated in a like manner, wiping out the notions of historical responsibility and equity. -In mitigation, there is a downgrading of developed countries obligations and an upgrading of developing country obligations. -The focus is overwhelmingly on mitigation, with no obligation for developed countries to provide the needed funds. Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

7 CoP-21 process: Common issue: A Legally Binding Agreement (LBA) beyond 2020 2.Developed countries issues a.Mitigation commitment b.Financing strategies (Mitigation priority) c.Discourse on mitigation devices 3.LDC issues; a.Commitment on Adaptation financing b.Loss & Damage c.Technology transfer Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

8 LBA in view of mitigation Our stand points in the negotiation -Clear statement regarding the time line of mitigation, peaking period to limit the temperature rise below 1.5oC by 2100. -LBA must be focused on adaptation parallel with mitigation -No false solution proposed through LBA. -LDCs will be voluntary contributors to INDC. Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

9 Would temperature be possible to control? -Today, the world is 0.85°C warmer than pre-industrial levels -Below 1.50 C (50% chance) -Below 2.00 C (66% chance) AR-5 analysis by the scientist Need realistic compliance target on emission reduction and to be followed as most stringent for Annex 1 countries. Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

10 Current global pledge of INDC insufficient toward 1.5 0 C pathway -The commitments captured in INDCs will not keep temperatures below 2 0 C, much less 1.5 0 C, above pre-industrial levels. -Even if all countries meet their INDC commitments, the world is likely to warm by a devastating 3 0 C or more. (CSO Review on INDC) Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

11 Big gap in the notion of “Equity & Fare Share” responsibility in mitigation -Russia: INDC represents zero contribution towards its fair share - Japan: INDC represents about one tenth of its fair share -United States: INDC represents about a fifth of its fair share -European Union: INDC represents just over a fifth of its fair share China, Indonesia, India and Brazil’s INDC represents slightly more than two thirds of its fair share. (CSO Review on INDC) Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

12 LBA in view of Adaptation Our stand points in the negotiation -Clear commitment and work plan by developed country parties to support on; i.Adaptation need & assessment in MVCs ii.Supporting mechanism (finance, technology and IB etc.) Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

13 LBA in view of Loss & Damage Our stand points in the negotiation -Separate text and work stream for International mechanism -Compensation by developed countries and separate window for financing -No insurance mechanism (for business only???), rather a collective share of UN and Annex-1 guarantees Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

14 LBA in view of Financing Our stand points in the negotiation - Must be coherent with SDG goals, like climate change; restore ecosystem and environmental sustainability requirement. -Firm commitment from developed countries for pre 2020 (US$100 bln/yr) financial pledge -Current pledges (around US$33 billion up to 2020) are very insufficient http://newsroom.unfccc.int Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

15 LBA in view of Financing Allocation Approach & Strategies -Compensation and Reparation focus -Adequate, additional and Public Finance for LDCs. -Private finance for rich countries -At least 50:50 share in adaptation & mitigation -Appropriate Finance to appropriate Technology Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

16 LBA in view of Technology shifting: Our stand points in the negotiation -No IPR regime or conditionality for MVCs in case of their adaptation and mitigation effort -All sort technology (for both adaptation and mitigation) have to be provided following country specific and need base. -LBA must be provisioned for representation of LDCs to ensured in Technology, assessment, transfer and support mechanism Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21

17 We hopeful for life & prospect Seminar & Book launching Towards CoP-21 Thank You to all

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