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September 5-17, 1978.  Anwar Sadat- President of Egypt  Menachem Begin- Prime Minister of Israel  Jimmy Carter- President of the United States.

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Presentation on theme: "September 5-17, 1978.  Anwar Sadat- President of Egypt  Menachem Begin- Prime Minister of Israel  Jimmy Carter- President of the United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 5-17, 1978

2  Anwar Sadat- President of Egypt  Menachem Begin- Prime Minister of Israel  Jimmy Carter- President of the United States

3  Sadat had visited Israel- had told Israeli leaders he wanted to make peace  Two countries had been in four wars in the previous thirty years

4  Framework of Peace in the Middle East  Settlement of conflict between Israel and neighbors (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon)

5  Camp David- Presidential retreat in Maryland  Carter shuttled between cabins, had diplomatic team to produce drafts of agreements and would modify them as each side made objections

6  Had to use multi billion dollar U.S. package and promise that several hundred American troops would monitor the Sinai frontier  Carter oversaw every aspect of agreement

7  In support of U.N. Resolution 242- instructed Israel to withdraw from occupied Arab territory and Arab nations should recognize and make peace with Israel

8  Shall not resort of threat or use of force to settle disputes  Negotiate in good faith with a goal

9  Between Carter and Begin  Carter argued that international borders should not be changed  Begin insisted that 1967 war gave Israel the right to change its frontiers

10  Finally made concessions to Carter  Agreed to principle of Egyptian sovereignty in Sinai and to complete Israeli withdrawal from all military facilities and all settlements in Sinai

11  Sadat made concessions too  His own foreign minister resigned at end of conference because he thought he made too many concessions to Americans

12  1. Future of Sinai- (Egypt’s peninsula- Israel occupied it)  Israel agreed to withdraw from all of the Sinai within three years  Dismantle certain air bases

13  Egypt promised full diplomatic relations with Israel  Israel wanted passage through Suez Canal, Strait of Tiran, and Gulf of Aqaba

14  2. Format for conduct of negotiations for establishment of an independent regime in West Bank and Gaza to settle question of Palestinians

15  800,000 Palestinians called area of West Bank home- and Israel occupied it  Begin agreed to negotiate “new arrangements” with “representatives of the Palestinian people.”

16  Peace Treaty- signed March 26, 1979  Begin and Sadat received Nobel Peace Prize for the year  Within three years all Israeli troops and settlers had departed from Egyptian soil

17  West Bank negotiations were interpreted differently  During the next decade- the number of Israeli settlements on the West Bank expanded dramatically  Palestinians launched uprising in late 1987

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