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Chapter 19 Hate Speech & Repression: The Dark Side of the Web.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19 Hate Speech & Repression: The Dark Side of the Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19 Hate Speech & Repression: The Dark Side of the Web

2 Online Harassment Substantial emotional distress More than rudeness, spamming PgP BUSA331 Chapter 192

3 Email Spoofing Fake email, using someone’s real email address Wastes victim’s time, damages reputation PgP BUSA331 Chapter 193

4 Teenagers Harass each other Cyberbullying Star Wars Kid Ex friend’s photos PgP BUSA331 Chapter 194

5 Teen Harassment Results Professional counseling Seeking justice with dubious use of laws Suicide PgP BUSA331 Chapter 195

6 Avoiding Harassment Unfriend the person PgP BUSA331 Chapter 196

7 Unintentional Harassment Photos in public places posted to social network going viral Photoshopping of these photos PgP BUSA331 Chapter 197

8 Happy Slapping Mobile phones to record physical assaults posted to internet Teen agers in Europe began, now in US PgP BUSA331 Chapter 198

9 Hate Speech on the Internet Denigrates or attempts to inflame public opinion against certain groups of people Protected by 1st Amendment Hate sites proliferating, fringe elements given huge voice Revisionist history Not protected if specific individual is targeted- becomes threat or intimidation PgP BUSA331 Chapter 199

10 Imminent Violence Not Protected! Anti-abortion web site targeted doctors, incited… One doctor killed PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1910

11 Student Hate Web Sites Public schools must not prohibit content or viewpoint-1st Amendment-but could restrict computers to academic use only Private schools can prohibit speech, not government agent PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1911

12 Remedies to Hate Speech Awards with huge $$ judgments Filters? PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1912

13 Hate Speech in Foreign Jurisdictions Most other countries prohibit and criminalize it US will not extradite someone violating foreign law on this French law prohibited Yahoo! from auctioning Nazi items US courts would not defy French law, price of doing international business PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1913

14 Repression of Online Speech Prior restraint by law is prohibited by 1st Amendment Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg- publish it! How to make an H-bomb PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1914

15 Wikileaks Whistleblower site for anonymity Cayman island bank injunction result in site shutdown, injunction removed after heavy criticism PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1915

16 Irate People William Sheehan’s gripe site against credit agency Vermont divorce-husband disparaging fictional comments CA realtors law restricting advertising struck down as arbitrary PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1916

17 Foreign Courts Canadian court gag orders, but US reporter immune South Korean bans North Korean university site PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1917

18 Web Speech Under Totalitarianism Blocking and filtering used in 20 countries Communist China 40,000 human censors Bloggers are a big concern Self-discipline pact to stop harm to national security Vietnam-internet cafes must inform on customers Bahrain-web sites must register with government Morocco-cannot disrespect the king, viewed broadly PgP BUSA331 Chapter 1918

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