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FAO Sub-regional Workshop On CountrySTAT and Metadata Manila, the Philippines, 23-27 October 2006 Session 8. FAO Initiative on Metadata Activities: Purposes.

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Presentation on theme: "FAO Sub-regional Workshop On CountrySTAT and Metadata Manila, the Philippines, 23-27 October 2006 Session 8. FAO Initiative on Metadata Activities: Purposes."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAO Sub-regional Workshop On CountrySTAT and Metadata Manila, the Philippines, 23-27 October 2006 Session 8. FAO Initiative on Metadata Activities: Purposes and Objectives Hiek Som and Greg Gong (FAO) 25 October 2006

2 Metadata: Purposes and Objectives Objectives - What do we try to get? [Som] Objectives - What do we try to get? [Som] Purposes – Why do we want it? [Som] Purposes – Why do we want it? [Som] How to make it? [Gong] How to make it? [Gong]

3 Compe ndium --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- What Do We Try to Get? Compendium ≠ Encyclopedia

4 Why Do We Want It? We want it because it does not exist yet We want it because it does not exist yet We want it because it is very useful We want it because it is very useful oFor users oFor producers oFor assessment and improvement

5 How to make it? Definition of metadata Definition of metadata Three aspects Three aspects Chapter structure Chapter structure Next Steps Next Steps

6 Metadata: Definitions Common definition: metadata is “data on data.” Common definition: metadata is “data on data.” Broad definition: metadata describes “all aspects of the national agricultural statistical systems – on how, when, where, why, and by whom the data are collected” (Initiative, p. 2) Broad definition: metadata describes “all aspects of the national agricultural statistical systems – on how, when, where, why, and by whom the data are collected” (Initiative, p. 2)

7 Key Components “Input”: Censuses, surveys & admin records “Output” / “products” “Production function” / “base” / “environment” Output = Production function (Input ) or y = f (x)

8 Country Report: Chapter Structure Country Report of Metadata on Agricultural Statistics Chapter 1 National System of Agricultural Statistics Chapter 2 Major Domains and Selected Indicators Chapter 3 Data Sources: Surveys, Censuses, and Admin Records

9 Country Report: Chapter 1 Chapter 1 National System of Agricultural Statistics § 1.1 Legal and advisory bodies § 1.2 major agricultural statistical agencies § 1.3 Outputs and dissemination § 1.4 Data users and co-operation § 1.5 Strategic framework

10 Country Report: Chapter 2 § Concepts § Coverage § Data source § Processing methodology § Other information § 2.2.2 Domain 2

11 Country Report: Chapter 3 § Overview § Design § Conduct, operations, data quality control

12 Next Steps Deadlines Deadlines o4 th Draft: 20 November 2006 o5 th Draft: 15 December 2006 References (Initiative, p.11) References (Initiative, p.11)

13 Group Statement for Plenary Session What are the main / common problems? What are the main / common problems? What are the main / common difficulties? What are the main / common difficulties? What are the best ways to document metadata (for statistic domains, for censuses, surveys, and administrative records)? What are the best ways to document metadata (for statistic domains, for censuses, surveys, and administrative records)?

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