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1 GWP-SEA AND ASEAN AWGWRM COOPERATION Manila - 6 th July 2010 Southeast Asia.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GWP-SEA AND ASEAN AWGWRM COOPERATION Manila - 6 th July 2010 Southeast Asia."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GWP-SEA AND ASEAN AWGWRM COOPERATION Manila - 6 th July 2010 Southeast Asia


3 3 GWP VISION : A water secure world  Sufficient clean water for all life – for human society and for the ecosystems of which we are part  Security for all the economic sectors which consume or harness water - agriculture, energy, industry, domestic water supply, tourism...  Security from droughts, floods, landslides, water-borne diseases – all the negative aspects of water  Improved quality of life, health and well-being for the most vulnerable groups in society, especially women and children

4 4 13 Regional Water Partnerships 73 Country Water Partnerships 2,069 Partners in 149 countries A growing international network since 1996

5 HISTORY  GWP Regional Meeting on WRM for Southeast Asia held in Manila in June 1997  1997 – 2003 : SEATAC (Southeast Asia Technical Advisory Committee) as GWP operator in the region  2004 - now : GWP-SEA as Regional Water Partnership Operating in coordination with CWPs (Country Water Partnerships) 5

6 GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE  The Steering Committee ( SC ) serves as the highest policy and decision- making body The Chair of SC is also functioning as the Chair of the regional network  Regional Secretariat assists the SC in managing and coordinating regional programs and activities  CWP implement programs and activities at national and sub national levels 6


8 PARTNERS AND CWPs  More than 300 partners in SEA countries  CWP 1.Cambodia 2.Indonesia 3.Malaysia 4.Myanmar 5.Philippine 6.Thailand 7.Vietnam ( Lao PDR and Singapore in preparation ) 8


10 INITIAL EFFORT FOR REGIONAL WRM In December 1997 during 2 nd Informal Summit in Kuala Lumpur of the ASEAN Heads of State, Philippine Government forwarded SEATAC initiative for the passage of a resolution to establish within ASOEN a separate working group on WRM.  to heighten the scale of ASOEN (ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment) Plan, from just an item on scientific aspects of water quality standard and criteria to broader subjects on water resources management 10

11 DIFFICULT FOLLOW UP 1997 -2001 : Initiative approved in 1997, but follow up was prevented by formalities within the ASEAN,  particularly reservations on protocols and the form of the agreements BREAKTHROUGH IN EARLY 2002 When Thailand became the Chairman of ASOEN – in 2002, Dr. Apichart Anukularmphai, then SEATAC Chairman, convinced ASOEN’s Chairman from Thailand, Mr. Sunthad Somchevita to realize the initiative 11

12 THE BASIC IDEA  Southeast Asian region was one of the fastest growing regions in the world in terms of economic and industrial development, and human population  the establishment of a network on water resources is seen as a catalytic move to address emergent water-related issues and forward relevant international agenda that affects the region To serve as a forum for the exchange of experiences, expertise and information amongst member countries To lay down the foundation for government- partnerships on water resource management 12

13 AWGWRM FORMATION  In 13 th Meeting in Cambodia in July 2002, ASOEN formed the ASEAN Working Group on Water Resources Management (AWGWRM) based on the Terms of Reference drafted during the ASOEN Consultative Meeting organized by GWP SEATAC in February 2002.  AWGWRM’s objective is to establish a formal regional cooperation on water resources management. 13

14 GWP SEA  In 2004, SEATAC was transformed into the GWP Southeast Asia (GWP SEA) a formal Regional Water Partnership with a constituency of GWP Partners at the Country level With a broader stakeholder platform at the country level composed of a bigger community of persons and GWP Partners working together to influence actions 14

15 ASEAN WRM PUBLICATIONS  Publications known by GWP-SEA : 1.The State of Water Resources Management in ASEAN – (2005), provides a snapshot of baseline information of water resources in ASEAN countries 2.The ASEAN Strategic Plan for Action on Water Resources Management – (2005), provides a strategic plan to address the issues confronting water resources in the region  Both were prepared by Australian Consultancy Team under AIDAB support Directed and coordinated by the Environment Unit of ASEAN Secretariat With inputs from GWP-SEA through Dr.Salmah Zakaria. 15

16 2006 -2009  Almost no communication after 2005 until 2009  GWP-SEA do not have sufficient information regarding AWGWRM related to : Work program, progress & achievement Working mechanism Available resources Publications and other products  Question : What kind of cooperation can be or need to be developed ? 16

17 FURTHER STEPS  Further steps of cooperation between GWP-SEA and AWGWRM may include: Exchange of views at regional level for mutual understanding and exchange of information on work program, working mechanism etc.  from which some forms/channels for cooperation may be found out Since AWGWRM and GWP-SEA have the same objectives of promoting IWRM in the same region, but their representatives may come from different country agencies, the two regional committees may find useful in setting-up and promoting a coordination between their representatives/agencies at country level. 17

18 18 SEA WATER FORUM  SEA Water Forum is an event initiated by SEATAC/ GWP-SEA and organized by one of its country member every three years not only a forum for the exchange of experiences, expertise and information also a platform for regional cooperation on WRM where Ministerial Declarations had been signed  Collaboration between AWGWRM and GWP-SEA in organizing SEAWF will strengthen the importance of SEAWF role and provide AWGWRM a venue to reach a wide audience. 18

19 MOU  GWP – SEA proposes that collaboration between ASEAN member countries and GWP-SEA and its SEA Country Water Partnerships, particularly in the areas of water resources state and management assessment and related areas be formalized with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  A draft of MOU has been prepared by GWP-SEA Steering Committee 19

20 GWP –SEA REGIONAL PROGRAM Focus of regional program up to 2013  2010 -2011 WRM Policy, Legal and Institutional reform  2012 WRM Financing Disaster Management  2013 WR Management Instruments reform Water Supply and Sanitation 20

21 Thank you 21

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