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Course Overview 1 FCM 710 Architecture of Secure Operating Systems Prof. Shamik Sengupta Office 4210 N

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1 Course Overview 1 FCM 710 Architecture of Secure Operating Systems Prof. Shamik Sengupta Office 4210 N Spring 2010

2 Course Overview 2 What is the course about? Operating Systems  What is Operating System (OS)?  Focus on basic theoretical foundations of OS  learn components of efficient OS  Will learn about OS glitches  How to secure OS?  How to protect OS?  Case Studies!

3 Course Overview 3 Timing and Contact Information  Class meeting time: Tuesday o 6:20pm – 8:20pm  Office hours: o North Hall, 4210 o Tuesday (5:00pm – 6:15pm) Or By appointments  Email:  Office Phone: 212-237-8826

4 Course Overview 4 Course Material Information  No single textbook.  Class notes and slides.  References to current materials from journals, magazines and other websites may also be used.  Reference Texts: o Modern Operating Systems, (3rd Edition), by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Publisher: Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 0136006639 | ISBN-13: 9780136006633 o Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, (6th Edition), by William Stallings, Publisher: Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 0136006329 | ISBN-13: 9780136006329 o Operating System Concepts, (8th Edition), by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, ISBN: 9780470128725  The above list is not exhaustive and students may refer to any other operating systems reference books for this course.

5 Course Overview 5 Material Information (contd.)  Class WWW site: o o Blackboard online o Materials will be posted on these sites  Class notes  Articles  Assignments  Grades [BLACKBOARD]  Feel free to ask me any questions… o When emailing: “FCM 710 ”

6 Course Overview 6 Course Syllabus Overview  Operating Systems overview  Process Management o CPU scheduling, Threads o Process synchronization and Deadlocks  Storage Management o Memory management, virtual memory  I/O Systems  Distributed Systems  Protection and Security  Case studies! (will also be part of the project)

7 Course Overview 7 Grading Information  Workload and grading: Course workapprox % Project30% Two Homework assignments20% Midterm exam25% Final In-class Quiz25%  Late policy  Submission will not be accepted after due date  Permission needed for exceptional circumstances  Grading Policy - standard  Attendance

8 Course Overview 8 More about Grading  Two Homework assignments o Usually 1 week for submission o Tentative schedule has been uploaded  Midterm Exam o Approx. 1 hour o Syllabus for midterm: materials covered till midterm  Final Exam o Approx. 1 hour o Syllabus for Final: materials covered after midterm

9 Course Overview 9 More about Grading (Project)  1 Project o 15 weeks time o Individual/2-person team project o Can be either 1. Research article OR 2. Hands-on Project pertaining to any OS o More about these will be discussed in class o See Handouts!

10 Course Overview 10 Questions, Comments, …??

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