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2 What You Will Do Apply the physiological principles of frequency, intensity, and time to resistance training. Apply intensity to your program by determining.

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Presentation on theme: "2 What You Will Do Apply the physiological principles of frequency, intensity, and time to resistance training. Apply intensity to your program by determining."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 What You Will Do Apply the physiological principles of frequency, intensity, and time to resistance training. Apply intensity to your program by determining your training load. Keep accurate records detailing your resistance- training progress.

3 3 Terms to Know total-body workout split workout training load one-rep minimum (1RM) recovery time resistance-training cycles

4 4 Applying FITT to Resistance Training FITT factors must be properly adjusted in order to achieve your fitness goals. Before starting a resistance-training program, you must first establish your resistance FITT.

5 5 Frequency Frequency in weight training is how often you work out. Most training authorities recommend working out three or four times per week on nonsuccessive days.

6 6 Frequency The total-body workout is the most popular workout plan for beginners. Total-body workout A workout in which all major muscle groups are worked three times a week, with at least one day off between workouts. Term to Know The total-body workout allows muscles plenty of work, and plenty of rest.

7 7 Frequency A split workout does not work every muscle group at every session. Split workout A workout in which you exercise three or four body areas at each session, working at much higher intensities. Term to Know More recovery time is needed before the same muscle group is worked again.

8 8 Intensity Intensity, in weight training, is the amount of exertion or tension placed on a muscle group.

9 9 Intensity These factors play a role in determining your training-intensity needs. The amount of weight you will lift The number of reps and sets you will do. How many different exercises you will perform per body area.

10 10 Intensity Training load is the most important factor in your FITT. Training load How much weight you should lift for a given exercise. Term to Know

11 11 Intensity To determine your training load, you must first determine your one-rep maximum (1RM). One-rep maximum (1RM) A measure of a lifter’s absolute muscular strength for any given exercise. Term to Know You will learn how to compute your 1RM in the Chapter 10 Fitness Check.

12 12 Intensity Reasons for testing your 1RM: To determine training load To identify strengths and weaknesses. To help you keep track of your progress.

13 13 Intensity When you have computed or estimated your 1RM, you can use the results to determine your training load. Beginners should use 50 to 60 percent of their 1RM. Experienced lifters should use 75 to 85 percent of their 1RM.

14 14 Intensity How many sets and reps you do is mainly a function of your fitness goals. Is your goal to: Develop basic muscle fitness? To increase endurance? To add bulk? Maybe a combination of these?

15 15 Intensity The more exercises you do to work a body area, the greater the intensity of the workout. Your training goals should be the guiding factor.

16 16 Time The most important aspect of time, as a component of resistance training, is recovery time. Recovery time The duration of the rest periods taken between workout components. Term to Know

17 17 Time There should be no resting time between reps, which should be continuous and controlled. In general, the greater the amount of resistance, the more time your muscles need to recover between sets and exercises.

18 18 Time Athletes and competitive lifters follow resistance-training cycles. Resistance- training cycles Modified programs designed to meet the needs of off- season, pre- season, and in- season. Term to Know

19 19 Type Type or mode of resistance training is the specific activities and equipment you choose to use for your resistance program.

20 20 Keeping a Workout Record Keeping accurate workout records will help you to remember what you did earlier and determine which exercises work best for you.

21 21 Keeping a Workout Record Include this information in your workout record: Date Rest between sets, reps, and exercises. Order and type of sets, reps, and exercises Body weight changes Nutrition habits

22 22 Lesson 3 Review 1.Vocabulary What does 1RM measure? 2.Recall What is recovery time? 3.Recall How does a split workout differ from a total- body workout? Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary The maximum amount of weight you can lift at one time. 2. Recall The duration of rest periods taken between workout components. 3. Recall Split workouts work one-half of the muscle two times a week, and total-body workouts work all of the muscles three times a week.

23 End of Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents

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