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Breastfeeding Nutrition & Breastfeeding Laws HLTH 506 Chantal Otelsberg 6/24/2014.

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1 Breastfeeding Nutrition & Breastfeeding Laws HLTH 506 Chantal Otelsberg 6/24/2014

2 INTRODUCTION TO BREASTFEEDING AND ITS SOCIAL ISSUE The Milky Way Breastfeeding Revolution “Only 15% of babies born in the U.S. are breastfed exclusively for 6 months…One of the lowest percentages in the world”

3 Nutrition of Breastfeeding Protects baby from disease –Ear infection –Food sensitivities –Diarrhea Free Available at any time (for nursing mothers) Contains perfect amount of nutrients for baby Reasons to Breastfeed:

4 Reasons to Formula Feed: Not every woman can make enough breast milk to meet babies needs –Can supplement low breast milk supply Flexibility –Some babies will not latch –Allows another person to feed –Busy Schedule Problems with Nursing –Breastfeeding too painful Nutrition of Breastfeeding


6 Did you know? Beneficial to mother –Skin-to-skin contact nurtures bond between mom and baby –Gives confidence in mother in her ability to care for her child –Burns calories and aids in losing “baby weight” May lower risk of mother’s risk of –Breast cancer –High Blood Pressure –Diabetes Breast milk is good for baby’s development –Introduces babies to different tests –Babies that breastfeed have an easier transition to solid food –Studies suggest that breastfed babies have higher IQs Breastfeeding



9 Primary Research Durham, H. A., Lovelady, C. A., Brouwer, R. J., Krause, K. M., & Østbye, T. (2011). Comparison of Dietary Intake of Overweight Postpartum Mothers Practicing Breastfeeding or Formula Feeding. Journal of The American Dietetic Association. “our results suggest that overweight and postpartum women need guidance to improve their dietary intake to promote postpartum weight loss…energy restriction of 500 kcal less than the Estimated Energy Requirement” Bai, Y. K., Middlestadt, S. E., Peng, C. J., & Fly, A. D. (2009). Psychosocial factors underlying the mother’s decision to continue exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months: an elicitation study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. “psychosocial factors are likely to play a significant role in the maintenance of exclusive breastfeeding for six months post-birth” Powell, R., Davis, M., & Anderson, Associate Proffesor, A. K. A qualitative look into mother's breastfeeding experiences. Journal of Neonatal Nursing. Retrieved June 20, 2014. “About 75% of the mothers reported having negative or no support of breastfeeding from their work environment”

10 How to breastfeed Breastfeeding Animation

11 National Breastfeeding Laws Effective March 30, 2010 – Affordable Care Act signed by Pres. Obama “..Fair Labor Standards Act requires an employer to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the child’s birth each time such employee has need to express the milk…employer must also provide a place, other than a bathroom, for the employee to express breast milk..” 46 states have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location SC (2005)- “provides that a woman may breastfeed her child in any location where the mother is authorized to be and that the act of breastfeeding is not considered indecent exposure”

12 BREASTFEEDING LAWS Breastfeeding Laws

13 The Struggle of Public Breastfeeding “The right to breastfeed in public is protected by law in Ireland, which means that nobody can be asked to stop nursing, to leave a premises, or to use separate facilities such as the toilet (not an uncommon suggestion, sadly enough, which again illustrates the lurking suspicion that breastfeeding is somehow unclean).”


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