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Footbinding The practice of binding a woman’s feet to make them smaller so they would be considered more attractive.

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Presentation on theme: "Footbinding The practice of binding a woman’s feet to make them smaller so they would be considered more attractive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Footbinding The practice of binding a woman’s feet to make them smaller so they would be considered more attractive.


3 To enable the size of the feet to be reduced, the toes on each foot were curled under, then pressed with great force downwards and squeezed into the sole of the foot until the toes break. This was all carried out with no pain relief, causing severe pain.

4 Young girls’ (ages 3 – 11) feet were bound in silk so that the toes could grow under the foot making them small.

5 The process took two years to achieve the desired look

6 3 – 3. 5 inches was the desired foot length from heel to toe
3 – 3.5 inches was the desired foot length from heel to toe. Sizes could reach up to 5 inches

7 It began during the late Song Dynasty and was generally practiced by the wealthy. Why do you think it was the only the wealthy who bound the feet of their daughters?

8 By the 1800’s 40-50% of Chinese women had their feet bound

9 Footbinding was outlawed in 1949 by the communists, but many elderly in China still suffer the consequences

10 Footbinding

11 Footbinding

12 Footbinding

13 Footbinding

14 “Ewww Disgusting” As students of history it is difficult for us to look at footbinding objectively, without passing judgment. We look at the images we just saw and we say, “gross”. However, if you think about it, we as Americans do some extreme things to make ourselves more attractive.

15 What do Americans do to fit societies idea of attractive
What do Americans do to fit societies idea of attractive? Brainstorm a list of five practices Americans do to be more attractive.

16 What do Americans do to fit societies idea of attractive?

17 Make Up

18 Plastic Surgery

19 Waxing

20 Tattoos

21 Botox

22 Steroids

23 Piercings

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