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Antioxidants for Health and Sports

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1 Antioxidants for Health and Sports
Naruemon Leelayuwat, PhD Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, THAILAND ANSSH: Oct 23, 2015

2 Contents Oxidation-reduction (redox) homeostasis
Oxidative stress vs diseases and sports Exogenous and endogenous antioxidants

3 Oxidation-reduction (redox) homeostasis
An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons between two species Normal process in our body Part of the process of muscle repair and regeneration Immune function .

4 Free radical Non-free radical
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) = ROS and RNS and include both free radical and non-free radical species. Free radical Non-free radical Uric acid Bilirubin Superoxide Hydrogen peroxide Hydroxyl radicals Singlet oxygen Nitric oxide Peroxynitrite Hyperchlorite

5 endogenous antioxidant defense system
reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) oxidative stress degenerative and chronic diseases EXERCISE eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage (EEIMD) muscle weakness delayed onset muscular symptom (DOMS)

6 Oxidative stress vs Diseases

7 Oxidative stress vs Diseases
Görlach et al, Redox Biol; 2015

8 Meng, Yu . Int J Mol Sci. 2010 Apr 12;11(4):1509-26.

9 ROS generation and nutrient availability
Görlach et al, Redox Biol; 2015

10 Oxidative stress vs Exercise (Sports)

11 Sources of Free Radicals During Exercise
Powers and Jackson, 2008

12 Putative redox-sensitive targets in skeletal muscle that can influence force production.
Powers and Jackson 2008

13 Antioxidants Exogenous antioxidant
Endogenous antioxidant; enzymatic, non-enzymatic

14 Exogenous Antioxidants
Fruits, Vegetable, Grains and fish oil Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate: Rich Sources of Antioxidants Alcoholic Beverages, liver and egg Vitamins (vitamin C , E and beta-carotene) Minerals Polyphenols  flavonoids  Chrysin

15 Endogenous Antioxidants
Enzymatic; superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase Non-enzymatic; vitamins E, alpha lipoic acid (ALA), coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), glutathione

16 Beneficial effects of antioxidants
Maintain good dental health Improve nervous system functioning Protect the liver Support the immune system Improve defense power Reduce obesity Offer protection against digestive disorder Support respiratory system Support kidney function Improve reproductive function Have anti-aging effect Improve quality of sleep maintain healthy vision Polyphenols, anthocyanin, was shown to improve endurance and strength performance

17 Hormone influencing antioxidant
growth hormone Testosterone was able to inhibit in vitro neutrophil prooxidative capability

18 Reasons for the inconsistency
type and concentration of antioxidant compounds, dose and timing of intervention, presence of other bioactive compounds metabolism and biological activities of antioxidants influence of the factors inherent in the food matrix.

19 Reasons for the inconsistency
dietary intake training status exercise protocol type of muscle-damage marker used

20 Thank You For Your Attention

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