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VCSE Organisations as Apprentice Employers Findings from a GMCVO project and survey.

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Presentation on theme: "VCSE Organisations as Apprentice Employers Findings from a GMCVO project and survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 VCSE Organisations as Apprentice Employers Findings from a GMCVO project and survey

2 Overview About the survey Organisations with apprentices Organisations without apprentices Future plans Barriers

3 About the survey 2015 VCSE Skills Needs Survey Questions adapted from Employer Perspectives Survey 2012 3000+ organisations from the GMCVO database and FAME database 235 responses obtained

4 Organisations with apprentices 22% (53) of respondents 80% planning to recruit staff Community development; health & wellbeing; education, training & research Profit-oriented trading activity Registered charities and company ltd

5 Organisations without apprentices 77% (182) of respondents 64% planning to recruit staff Community development; education, training & research; economic wellbeing; health and wellbeing Less likely profit-oriented Reg. charities, companies ltd, CICs

6 Comparisons: Full-time staff Number of FT StaffNumber of orgs with apprentice Number of orgs without apprentice 0139 1-102147 11-40173 41-10021 100+70

7 Comparisons: Professionalisation FunctionPercentage of orgs with apprentice Percentage of orgs without apprentice Chief Executive88%61% Function/Department Head 72%35% Administration98%72%

8 Barriers Lack of capacity to recruit/manage apprentices Lack of disposable funding to pay apprentices Lack of long-term organisational security and sustainability All of these are further exacerbated by apprenticeships being complicated territory to navigate

9 Future plans Organisations with apprenticeships 86% to continue employing apprentices Organisations without apprentices 30% to start employing apprentices in future 45% unsure 30% sure that they won’t employ apprentices

10 Thanks for listening! For more information about the project: For more information about the survey:

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