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The Zone system was created by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer as a method to control exposure when shooting. While both Adams and Archer were involved in.

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Presentation on theme: "The Zone system was created by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer as a method to control exposure when shooting. While both Adams and Archer were involved in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Zone system was created by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer as a method to control exposure when shooting. While both Adams and Archer were involved in the initial concept of the Zone System, it was Adams who ultimately developed and mastered its use. The Zone System is a method for pre-visualizing the ultimate final outcome of the print by dissecting the scene into zones of tonality. To do this, Adams assigned a Zone to each value that each f-stop of exposure produced based on the average middle exposure that the light meter reads. That exposure is for a mid-gray Zone V. Zones are always represented in Roman Numerals. The Zones are numbered 0 through X. Zone 0 represents the maximum black that the print can produce. Zone X represents pure white where there would be no image The Zone System

2 You have been given two different breakdowns of zone descriptions. Let ’ s break some of them down.

3 Here’s the way Adams dissects his own image.


5 Basic Instructions for shooting landscape using the zone system Compose your landscape Expose your composition on automatic or as light meter reads Determine your middle gray or Zone V in the landscape Hold your gray card in the same light as your desired middle gray or Zone V Meter off your gray card and maintain that exposure and aperture (you may need to turn your camera to fully manual at this point if your camera has auto metering) Expose your composition with the Zone V metering When you develop your film and make your contact sheet, compare the difference between these two differently exposed images. You will most likely want to print the Zone V metered negative. What makes a landscape?









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