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Line through a Scraper Board In this project… Project 4a: Homework Tasks You can your homework to: Pop Art – Controlled.

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Presentation on theme: "Line through a Scraper Board In this project… Project 4a: Homework Tasks You can your homework to: Pop Art – Controlled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… Project 4a: Homework Tasks You can email your homework to: Pop Art – Controlled Assessment (45 Hours)

2 Key Year 11 Dates Pop Art Controlled Assessment Project Art Controlled Assessment Day:Thursday 12 th November 2015 Art Mock Exam – 5 hours:Wednesday 16 th December 2015 Art External Exam – 10 Hours: Day 1 – 5 hours:Wednesday 16 th March 2015 Day 2 – 5 hours: Tuesday 22 nd March 2015

3 The Bigger Picture… What will I be creating for my ‘Pop Art’ Controlled Assessment? Part #1: (Summer 1 term – Year 10) Observational Drawing & experimentation with media Part #2: (Autumn 1 term – Yr 11) Idea development & Art History Part #3 : (Autumn 2 term – Yr 11) Main piece & evaluation Deadline: Mon 13 th July 2015 Deadline: Mon 19 th Oct 2015 Deadline: Mon 14 th Dec 2015

4 Presentation idea for page layout…

5 Want to find out more about Pop Art? Click on the shirt button for a video link…

6 Traveller Information: We hope that you enjoy GCSE learning journey with us at Waseley Hills High School – if you need any support during your journey then please contact the programme controller: GCSE ART & DESIGN Year 10Year 11 EXAM Prior Learning Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Art History (AO1) Set Examination Jan 2016 Main Piece (AO4) Controlled Assessment Refine & Review ICT Development (AO2) Create mixed media samples in the style/s of your chosen Artist/s Source & present Artist research based on the suggestions given to you in your project brief Select the best of your work to mount in preparation for your moderation. Ensure all work is annotated in full.. Make final main piece of work based on the best combined aspects from your development ideas. Review your work, make any improvements which are necessary. Write a full evaluation, present this creatively. Take aspects of your work, scan or photograph these and produce ICT developments in a programme like Photoshop. Use of prior learning and targets from mock coursework projects along with practical skills learnt. To focus on strengths in either 2D / 3D project. Make a range of observation drawings. Support this with photographs. use a variety of different media in your drawings Develop 3 or 4 ideas for your main piece based on your artist / drawings Deadline 14/07/14 Deadline 20/10/14 Deadline 15/12/14

7 Art Homework You will receive a piece of art homework each week. We advise that you bring in a USB stick so that we can save this terms homework tasks, examples and help sheets onto it for you. This is useful if you are away ill as you will still need to complete the homework. Extension tasks are provided, students who wish to get B, A or A* grades are strongly encouraged to complete this extra work!

8 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 1 Homework WEEK

9 You have two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Join Pintrest. Create yourself a free account and ‘Follow us’ + the ‘Art @ Waseley Hills’ Page. Click on the ‘P’ logo on the right to go to their website. Check out our various Pop Art pin boards. b)Using a computer, create a vocabulary sheet and learn the meaning of each of the key words shown on the next slide. You will need to research what they mean and know how to spell them, you will be tested on this next lesson! Homework 1: Due in: Wednesday 29 th April GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20>

10 Homework 1: Due in: Wednesday 29 th April Learn each of the 9 key words on this page, write down the meaning of each word on your pop art ‘Vocabulary page’ See the example on the next slide… Popular Culture Bold Consumerism Iconic Ben-day Dots Modern Art Ordinary Sculpture Three-dimensional

11 WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like I’m a grade A because I’m presented to a high standard in a Pop Art style. I have given a clear meaning to each of the words and stated how they link to Pop Art. Modern Art This is a movement that….., I'm connected to Pop Art through… Bold This word is used to describe… I’m a Pop Art word because… Homework 1: Due in: Wednesday 29 th April Iconic This word means … it links to Pop Art because… Ben-day dots These are … Consumerism This word means … it links to Pop Art through… Sculpture This word means … it links to my Pop Art project… Popular Culture This phrase means … it links to Pop Art because… Ordinary This means … it links to Pop Art because… Three-dimensional This is …

12 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 2 Homework WEEK

13 You have one task to complete for this homework: a)You are to create a title page for your controlled assessment using a computer. Find various Pop Art style images to include in this piece of work. Also include key Pop Art words too. The next slide shows you a finished example of this! GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Remember that this will be the first page of your book that anyone sees so it must be eye catching… Homework 2: Due in: Wednesday 6 th May

14 WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like GCSE CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT My Name….. ART & DESIGN POP ART WOW… I’m a grade A because I have used key words and filled the page with bright, bold and colourful Pop Art style imagery. There is no background showing. Homework 2: Due in: Wednesday 6 th May

15 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 3 Homework WEEK

16 You have two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Using your lip drawing produced in class, you are to create a brain storm for your controlled assessment, you will need to write all of the words which you learnt about in class onto your lip drawing. Use colour pens to do this with. The next slide shows an example of this task. b)Using a computer, use the theme of your sculpture to produce a collaged A4 page of images connected to it. Present this in a pop art way! Check out the example on the next slides… GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 3: Due in: Wednesday 13 th May

17 WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like I’m a grade A because I have used key words and filled the page with bright, bold and colourful Pop Art style imagery. There is no background showing. POP ART An art movement which started in the 1950’s Homework 3: Due in: Wednesday 13 th May

18 WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like POP ART An art movement which started in the 1950’s

19 Collage task I’m a grade B because I have used key words and filled the page with bright, bold and colourful Pop Art style imagery. There is no background showing. WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like COLLAGECOLLAGE CAKE!CAKE! Homework 3: Due in: Wednesday 13 th May

20 LO

21 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 4 Homework WEEK

22 You have two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Take some pictures of your chosen subject, you could use a digital camera to do this with or your mobile phone camera. Think about the background behind your subject, photograph your item on a table cloth? Present these pictures in a create way. b)Download the free app ‘Pop Art light’ and use it to create some Pop Art work. You will need to use your pictures from part a) for this. Present these with annotations (written notes) about how you have created a Pop Art work of art… c)Look at the next slides for examples of this! GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> ‘Pop Art Lite’ app Homework 4: Due in: Wednesday 20 th May

23 My Photographs… WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like I’m a grade B because I have used the same colour background in all of my pictures. The images are from different points of view and have been presented on a pop art background. Clear written notes have been included. Homework 4: Due in: Wednesday 20 th May This is a good picture because… My composition is… I wanted to show… These images will help me to …..with my project because…

24 ‘Pop Art Lite’ app 1. Use and open your pictures which you have taken for task (a) in the ‘Pop Art Lite’ app… 2. Use the apps functions to change the colour balance of your image… 3. Use the app to create a repeat of your picture, this is in the style of artist Andy Warhol… Homework 4: Due in: Wednesday 20 th May ICT task

25 My ‘POP Art’… …Photographs This is What A Good One Looks Like Homework 4: Due in: Wednesday 20 th May WAGOLL 4. Present your pop art style app images in a creative way. Use a pop art theme background and title… [In the style of Andy Warhol]

26 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 5 Homework WEEK

27 You have one task to complete for this homework: a)You are to draw in colour a close up section of the label of packaging that your chosen sculptural item will have been packaged in. This should be A4 in size, you can use pencil crayon, felts or paint. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 5: Due in: Wednesday 3 rd June

28 WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like I’m a grade B because I have filled the whole A4 page. I have been drawn accurately and an excellent use of graduated shading has been used showing highlights. Homework 5: Due in: Wednesday 27 th May

29 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 6 Homework WEEK

30 You have one task to complete for this homework: a)You are to research the Pop Art movement and present all of the facts which appear on the web site shown below, onto a pop art themed A4 page. The example on this page is what you should avoid, look at the correct example of this task on the next slide. Remember to use your own words and re-write the information given on the website!!! GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 6: Due in: Wednesday 10 th June

31 POP ART RESEARCH What is Pop Art..? Pop Art began in the 1950s, but became very popular in the 1960s. It started in the United Kingdom, but became a true art movement in New York City with artists like Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns. This Movement uses images and icons that are popular in the modern world. This includes famous celebrities like movie stars and rock stars, commercial items like soup cans and soft drinks, comic books, and any other items that are popular in the commercial world. There are a number of ways that artists use these items to create art such as repeating the item over and over again, changing the colour or texture of the item, and putting different items together to make a picture. Interesting Facts about Pop Art: There is a similar sounding type of art called Op Art. Op Art is art that uses optical illusion to trick the eye. Some people say that Pop Art is poking fun at traditional art and is most closely related to the nonsense art of Dadaism. Pop Art artists wanted to make art for the masses. They felt that earlier art was elitist. The first use of the word "pop" to describe art was by Scottish artist Eduardo Paolozzi. "Pop Art" was then used in 1954 by artist John McHale. I’m a grade D because I have been presented in a Pop art style, but I have copied the text directly from the website rather than putting it into my own words.

32 Info-burst #1 What is Pop Art? Click on the shirt button for a video link… Popular, witty and glamorous – pop art exploded onto the cultural scene in the early 1960s. A new generation of artists rebelled against ‘high art’ to embrace the world of advertising, television, film stars, pop music and consumerism. Pop art shocked many but inspired even more.

33 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 7 Homework WEEK

34 You have Two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Using felt tip pens, you are to recreate Patrick Caulfield's glasses onto the painted yellow sheet of paper which you prepared in lesson last week. Patrick Caulfield's glasses b)You are to produce an A4 sheet of artist research on Patrick Caulfield in your own words. Present this in a Pop Art style, the next slide is a good example of this and will help you. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 7: Due in: Wednesday 17 th June

35 Patrick Caulfield Patrick Caulfield was born on 29 th January 1936, he was a British painter and printmaker. Caulfield studied at the Chelsea School of Art in the late 1950s, and at the Royal College of Art from 1960 to 1963, where his fellow pupils included David Hockney. After he left he returned to Chelsea as a teacher. In 1964 he exhibited at the New Generation show at London, which resulted in him being associated with Pop Art. Caulfield's paintings are childlike, often portraying a few simple objects in an interior. Typically, he uses flat areas of simple colour surrounded by black outlines. Some of his works are dominated by a single hue. From around the mid-1970s he began to incorporate more detailed, realistic elements into his work, After Lunch made in 1975 being one of the first examples. The image Still-life: Autumn Fashion,1978 contains a variety of different styles-- some objects have heavy black outlines and flat colour, but a bowl of oysters is depicted more realistically, and other areas are executed with looser brushwork. Caulfield later returned to his earlier, more stripped-down, style. In 1987 Caulfield was nominated for the Turner Prize and in 1996 he was made a CBE. From working in his style by creating the glasses piece I now understand that it is very difficult to crate a simplistic piece of work in terms of both the use of composition and colour. I’m a grade B because I have also included my own opinion about his work in my research. I have commented on what I have learnt in recreating his glasses picture.

36 Info-burst #4 Who is Patrick Caulfield? Click on the sandwich for a video link… He was an English painter and printmaker. He began his studies in 1956 at Chelsea School of Art, London, continuing at the Royal College of Art (1960–63), one year below the students identified as originators of Pop Art.

37 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 8 Homework WEEK

38 You have Two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Using the annotation sheet to help you, write a paragraph about each one of your colour experiments. Do this on a computer and either email this work to Mr Moore or bring it into school on a USB Stick. Use the next example slide to help you. b)Type out some titles using the key words discussed in class. Save these along with the work in task a onto your USB stick or email them to your teacher. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects Homework 8: Due in: Wednesday 24 th June

39 GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects Homework 7: Due in: Wednesday 24 th June

40 Use each of the 5 sentence starters below to help you to write your paragraphs: My opinion: I like this experiment because…… It could benefit my main piece by…. I don’t like this experiment because……. This would …… on my 3D Paper Mache …. Media used: I have used….. For this experiment I have used…… I have focused this trial of the media of…… Technique used: I have incorporated the techniques of…. The technique of ………… has given…… In this section I have used the …………. method of ……. The ………… approach has helped me to …….. Equipment used: I have used the ……………. Tools to get…….. Here, I have worked with a ……….. The ….., ……, …. and ….. have …. Paint brush / tooth brush / nail brush / comb / sponge / palette knife / twig / spatula / finger / hand Paint / paper / card / newspaper / tape / water colour paint / sand / glue Sponging // dabbing / stippling / dripping / running / masking / mixed or combined media The results: Overall I was pleased with my ……… because….. This was most successful due to…… It didn’t turn out as planed because ……

41 For my first experiment, I have chosen to use ready mixed poster paints to work with. I have focused this trial on the use of a sponge with the dabbing on paint method, I was curious to see what level of layering techniques I could achieve with this method. This resulted in a successful trial where I was able to prevent the many colours combining by allowing each layer to dry first before applying the next colour. I discovered that by using different levels of pressure with the sponge, I could control to some extent the thickness of the paint onto the surface of the paper. Overall, I was very please with this section. I like how you can see the different colours through each other. I feel this technique could be useful when painting my final Paper Mache 3D main piece. EXAMPLE I’m a grade B because I have also included my own opinion about his work in my research. I have commented on what I have learnt in the process and have used some key art words.

42 For my first experiment, I have chosen to use ready mixed poster paints to work with. I have focused this trial on the use of a sponge with the dabbing on paint method, I was curious to see what level of layering techniques I could achieve with this method. This resulted in a successful trial where I was able to prevent the many colours combining by allowing each layer to dry first before applying the next colour. I discovered that by using different levels of pressure with the sponge, I could control to some extent the thickness of the paint onto the surface of the paper. Overall, I was very please with this section. I like how you can see the different colours through each other. I feel this technique could be useful when painting my final Paper Mache 3D main piece. For my first experiment, I have chosen to use ready mixed poster paints to work with. I have focused this trial on the use of a sponge with the dabbing on paint method, I was curious to see what level of layering techniques I could achieve with this method. This resulted in a successful trial where I was able to prevent the many colours combining by allowing each layer to dry first before applying the next colour. I discovered that by using different levels of pressure with the sponge, I could control to some extent the thickness of the paint onto the surface of the paper. Overall, I was very please with this section. I like how you can see the different colours through each other. I feel this technique could be useful when painting my final Paper Mache 3D main piece. Other Presentation Examples For my first experiment, I have chosen to use ready mixed poster paints to work with. I have focused this trial on the use of a sponge with the dabbing on paint method, I was curious to see what level of layering techniques I could achieve with this method. This resulted in a successful trial where I was able to prevent the many colours combining by allowing each layer to dry first before applying the next colour. I discovered that by using different levels of pressure with the sponge, I could control to some extent the thickness of the paint onto the surface of the paper. Overall, I was very please with this section. I like how you can see the different colours through each other. I feel this technique could be useful when painting my final Paper Mache 3D main piece.

43 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 9 Homework WEEK

44 You have two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Produce an A4 Fact sheet about Andy Warhol …… b)Produce an A4 comparison sheet comparing your pop art photographs from homework 4 to one of his repeat prints….use the how to write a comparison sheet to help you. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 7: Due in: Wednesday 31 st June

45 Info-burst #5 Who is Andy Warhol? Click on the fingernail for a video link…

46 I’m a grade B because I have also included my own opinion about his work in my research. I have commented on what I have learnt in recreating his Cola bottle picture.


48 Comparison Compare the similarities and differences between your repeated photographs and the work of Warhol's repeated images, present this in a pop art style…

49 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 10 Summer Holiday Homework WEEK

50 You have three tasks to complete for this homework: a)Produce 3 different A4 drawings in any media from the images your teacher has given you. If you have lost these, then you can find the images on the following slides. Remember you can do more that just 3, these drawings will count towards AO1 = 25% of your GCSE. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 10: Due in: 1 st lesson back in September

51 A.W.

52 C.P.

53 E.C.

54 E.G.

55 C.D.

56 L.R.

57 T.A.

58 E.H.

59 K.N.

60 P.W.

61 O.M.

62 Z.H.

63 S.S.

64 M.F.

65 M.J.

66 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 11 Homework WEEK

67 You have two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Produce an A4 Fact sheet about Peter Anton ……present this in A Pop Art Style! We have a board dedicated to him on our Pinterest page. b)Analyse one of his 3-D images that best links in with your own paper mache food sculpture, use the how to analyse an art worksheet to help you. Present this in a Pop Art style! GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 11: Due in: Thursday 8 th October


69 Info-burst #6 Claes Oldenburg Click on the green sweet for a video link…

70 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 12 Homework WEEK

71 You have two tasks to complete for this homework: a)Produce an A4 Fact sheet about Claes Oldenburg ……present this in A Pop Art Style! b)Analyse one of the four images on the next slide, use the how to analyse an art worksheet to help you. Present this in a Pop Art style! GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 12: Due in: Thursday 15 th October

72 GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Claes Oldenburg, "French Fries and Ketchup" (1963) Claes Oldenburg, "Giant BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich)" (1963) Claes Oldenburg, "Floor Cake" (1962) Claes Oldenburg, "Leaning Fork with Meatball and Spaghetti III" (1994)


74 Info-burst #7 Claes Oldenburg Click on the number 7 for a video link…

75 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 13 Homework WEEK

76 GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 13: Due in: Thursday 22 nd October Tate Modern Visit Evaluation You are to produce between 2 and 4 A4 sheets for your Tate Modern Evaluation. You are to creatively present the contents from your Gallery Workbook (Pop Art Style) to form this evaluation. The next slide contains some ideas as a starting point.

77 WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like I’m a high grade A because I’m presented to a high standard. I have included extra facts about the artists work which I viewed in the galley and given my own opinion about it. I have included lots of the key Art words from my vocabulary list. Homework 13: Due in: Thursday 22 nd October

78 WAGOLL This is What A Good One Looks Like I’m a low B because I’m presented to a good standard, but I have not been creative with the background page. I have included some written facts however I have not given any of my own opinions. Very few key Art words have been used. Homework 13: Due in: Thursday 22 nd October

79 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… Or

80 If you didn’t go on the Tate trip, complete the homework below. Students who did go to London do not need to do this task. Look back to the number 10 homework slide. Choose one of the drawings to recreate that you haven't used before. This should be A4 in size, you can decide on the media used. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 13: Due in: Thursday 22 nd October

81 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 14 Half Term Homework Project WEEK

82 You have just one task to complete for this homework: You are to design a front and back A4 size cover for a sketchbook. Use A4 cardboard sheets for this. Include a mini model of your chosen food item onto the front cover. Try to link the them of this to your main project, the example of the right ate the covers for a ‘Smarties’ sweet Pop Art project. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 14: Due in: Thursday 5 th October Front Cover Back Cover

83 Some more ideas… Mini Models

84 You could even connect them together with a book spine section...

85 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 15 Homework WEEK

86 You have just one task to complete for this homework: Look back to the number 10 homework slide. Choose one of the drawings to recreate that you haven't used before. This should be A4 in size. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 15: Due in: Thursday 12 th November

87 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 16 Homework WEEK

88 You have two tasks to complete for this homework: 1. Download the pictures which you have taken of your paper mache model so far. Produce an A4 page (Pop Art presentation style) step by step write up about how you have created your sculpture. 2. Write a comparison that compares your sculpture so far to the work of Claes Oldenburg. Use the help sheet on the next slide to help you. Pop Art presentation please! GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 16: Due in: Thursday 19 th November

89 Writing about your chosen designers work…

90 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 17 Homework WEEK

91 You need to complete a design for: Main piece idea 1 Main piece idea 2 Main piece idea 3 Look at the example on the right, you will need to present your work in a similar way to this. Remember to annotate each design in a different way. Each design should be A4 in size. You will need to hand in 3 separate sheets. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 17: Due in: Thursday 26 th November My Pop Art Sculpture – Idea 1: In my first design i have shorted the cone into a cup and have added decorative sprinkles and a flake to complete the design. String to be added to create the cone textures Cut up coloured plastic straws for the sprinkles. Brown card folded into many layers to create the flake. Ribbon added to complete the sculpture.

92 Annotating my work

93 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 18 Homework WEEK

94 Key Year 11 Dates Pop Art Controlled Assessment Project Art Controlled Assessment Day:Thursday 12 th November 2015 Art Mock Exam – 5 hours:Wednesday 16 th December 2015 Art External Exam – 10 Hours: Day 1 – 5 hours:Wednesday 16 th March 2015 Day 2 – 5 hours: Tuesday 22 nd March 2015

95 You have two tasks to complete for this weeks homework. Task one, take a picture of the front of your sketchbook. Present this on to an A4 sheet with the title ‘Main Piece Model’ annotate each part of this and comment on what changes you will need to make before you start your main pop art sculpture. The next slide gives you an example of this. Task 2, using your paint experiments which you created in school, create a collage of your chosen food item, this should be A4 size. The next slide gives you an example of this. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 18: Due in: Thursday 3 rd December

96 GCSE ART & DESIGN Animals & insects Main Piece Model I have made my model from pieces of cardboard which i have stuck together using masking tape. I placed a layer of paper mache on top before i painted this. I had to paint my model white first so that the newsprint didn’t shows though. When i do this for real i will need to finish my paper mache with a layer of white paper to make the painting process easier. In my first design i have shorted the cone into a cup and have added decorative sprinkles and a flake to complete the design.. It has been successful as i have decided just to make a large slice of the rainbow cake rather than the whole cake due to the length of time it will take! Cut up your painted sheets to make a collaged picture onto an interesting background.

97 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 19 Homework WEEK

98 GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 19: Due in: Thursday 10 th December You have two tasks to complete for this weeks homework. Task one, produce a computer drawing of your chosen pop art food item. This should be A4 in size! Task 2, using your A4 card Paper Mache experiments sheet which you produced in class, add annotations onto this to explain the techniques, materials and processed which you have used to make your 3D model.

99 Examples of computer drawings…

100 Annotating my work

101 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 20 Homework WEEK

102 You have two tasks to complete for this weeks homework. Task one, write a comparison that compares your final paper mache sculpture with a similar piece of work by the artist Peter Anton. Use the next sheet to help you to do this. Present this on two sides of A4 which have been decorated in a Pop art way. Remember to include a picture of your work and the image of the work from peter Anton. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 19: Due in: Thursday 10 th December Peter Anton Student work

103 Writing about your chosen designers work…

104 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… 21 Christmas Homework WEEK

105 You have one task to complete for this homework. Using the help sheet on the next page, you are to complete your evaluation for your controlled assessment over the Christmas holiday. Answer each of the questions on the next slide and present this in a Pop Art style. This should be around 2 – 3 A4 pages when complete. I will need to read through this and check it before you place it into your folder. GCSE ART & DESIGN Controlled Assessment Traveller Information - my learning journey Observation Drawing (AO3) Media Experimentation (AO2) Animals & insects GCSE Marking criteria: A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Homework 21: Due in: Thursday 7 th January


107 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… Extension Tasks These tasks are not compulsory but would help our Gifted & Talented students as well as the A*, A and B grade students to gain extra marks

108 Create a still life drawing of a group of food items in a Pop art style. A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Extension Task A

109 Create a collage of the item that you have based your sculpture on. A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Extension Task B

110 Create a still life drawing of a group of food items in a Pop art style. A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Extension Task C

111 Create a drawing of a food item using the Pop Art ‘Ben-Day’ dots technique. A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Extension Task D

112 Create a computer drawing of the item of food that you are making. A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Extension Task E

113 Create a comic book style drawing of your chosen food item, Present it on a space background. A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Extension Task F

114 Using fabric, sew together a food like item based on your selected food. This can support your Oldenburg research which you have completed in a previous homework. A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Extension Task G

115 Line through a Scraper Board In this project… Student Gallery Exemplar Pop Art Projects

116 A* Grade Pop Art Project : 2D Mixed Media Project A* 91% – 100% A 81% – 90% B 71% – 80% C 61% – 70% D 51% – 60% E 41% – 50% F 31% – 40% G 21% – 30% U 20> Coming soon…

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