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LISD Mandatory Flu Vaccine: Promoting Student Well Being Katie Schmidt, Amanda Caperton, Lisa Myers.

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Presentation on theme: "LISD Mandatory Flu Vaccine: Promoting Student Well Being Katie Schmidt, Amanda Caperton, Lisa Myers."— Presentation transcript:

1 LISD Mandatory Flu Vaccine: Promoting Student Well Being Katie Schmidt, Amanda Caperton, Lisa Myers

2 Our Proposal Head of the school board of LISD Present our plan to the school board of Lubbock.

3 Let’s Imagine… You are a parent of a student in LISD

4 Presentation During this proposal we would like you to imagine that the mandatory vaccination was approved! This presentation will walk you through two students vaccinations

5 Presentation Goals Prove to parents that the vaccine is –Necessary –Important –Flexible

6 The Handouts Calendar –Specific to two students School Letter –Informs you about the flu, vaccine, contacts

7 The Flu Families Fighting the Flu. Retrieved March 28, 2007.. As parents know children are particularly susceptible to the flu and are also the most likely to spread the flu. Each year 200,000 people are hospitalized because of the flu and subsequent health complications

8 The Vaccine 66% or more effective in children 70-90 % effective rate in adults The flu shot has shown positive and effective results: Researchers have proven that by vaccinating children in schools, the virus is significantly reduced in children and the overall population Flu, NINAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease) Fact Sheet. Retrieved 3/31/07.

9 Hi! I’m Sally ! -Wolffarth Elementary -Kindergarten student -No major illnesses

10 Sally’s Parents Received school letter Enough notice to take off work Talked to Sally Signed consent and returned

11 Great! Sally received her flu vaccination on September 24 th !

12 Hi! I’m Bob ! Wolffarth Elementary Kindergarten student No major illnesses

13 Oh no… Bob skipped school and missed the vaccination!

14 What About Bob? The clinic will return to get students who missed the vaccine. YAY Bob will receive the vaccination on October 8 th.

15 The Future for Sally and Bob Sally will receive second shot on November 5th Bob will receive his second shot on November 26th

16 Summary The shot process is –Flexible –Realistic –Important Beneficial to the children, the school, and the community!

17 LISD should give it a “shot”! Any Questions?

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