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MAE JEMISON Space Scientist By: Gail Sakurai THREE… TWO… ONE… LIFTOFF!! Story vocabulary: astronaut excelled specialized simulates techniques Open Court.

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Presentation on theme: "MAE JEMISON Space Scientist By: Gail Sakurai THREE… TWO… ONE… LIFTOFF!! Story vocabulary: astronaut excelled specialized simulates techniques Open Court."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAE JEMISON Space Scientist By: Gail Sakurai THREE… TWO… ONE… LIFTOFF!! Story vocabulary: astronaut excelled specialized simulates techniques Open Court 4 th Grade Unit 1 Risks and Consequences Lesson 5 Mae Jemison Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

2 astronaut Mae Jemison knew that she wanted to be an astronaut. “Use context clues” The astronaut walked along the moon to gather rock samples. astronaut- a person who travels in space (p. 83) Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

3 excelled In high school, Mae was an honor roll student and excelled in math and science. “Use context clues” Sam studied hard and excelled in science. excelled- did better than others (p. 86) Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

4 specialized At Stanford, she specialized in African and Afro-American studies and chemical engineering. “Use context clues” Although Jimmy loved to study different types of science, he specialized in biology. specialized- concentrated on one activity or subject (p. 86) Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary Stanford University

5 simulates She flew in a special training jet that simulates zero gravity. “Use context clues” Mary brought in a science project that simulates an erupting volcano. simulates- imitates (p. 89) Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

6 techniques To carry out the space- sickness experiment, Mae had been trained in the use of “biofeedback’ techniques. “Use context clues” The doctor had several techniques for treating a sick patient. techniques- ways of handling something (p. 93) Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

7 Vocabulary Review astronaut - a person who travels in space (p. 83) excelled- did better than others (p. 86) specialized- concentrated on one activity or subject (p. 86) simulates- imitates (p. 89) techniques- ways of handling something (p. 93) Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

8 Vocabulary Quiz _____- a person who travels in space _____- did better than others _____- concentrated on one activity or subject _____- imitates ______- ways of handling something astronaut simulatesspecialized excelled techniques Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

9 Word Knowledge These words begin with the prefix trans-. A prefix is attached at the beginning of a word. The Latin prefix trans- adds the meaning “across” to the root. transport transaction transatlantic “to carry” -to take from one place to another “across” “a thing done”“across” - exchange/a thing done between two or more people “across”“Atlantic Ocean” -across the Atlantic Ocean Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

10 Word Knowledge atomic heroic scenic These words have the suffix –ic, meaning having to do with. The suffix changes each word from a noun to an adjective. Match the pictures with the correct word by using the meaning of the root word and the meaning of the added suffix –ic. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

11 Word Knowledge personal survival musical Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary These words end the suffix –al. The suffix changes each word to an adjective. Identify each root word. Which word had a spelling change before the suffix was added? person + al survive + al music + al

12 Word Knowledge decide science overnight might wired These words from the story contain the long i sound spelled i, i_e, and igh. Identify other words with the long i sound. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

13 Word Knowledge - Sentences How do farmers transport food to the market? Identify the word with the prefix trans-. What is the root word? Name another word with a prefix plus port. transport port export, import, deport Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

14 Word Knowledge - Sentences Which word has the –ic suffix? scenic Identify the root word. scene What part of speech is scene? noun What part of speech is scenic? adjective Did you see this scenic view? Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

15 Word Knowledge - Sentences A survival kit is necessary in case of an emergency. Identify the word with the –al suffix. survival Survival is most often used as a noun, but in this sentence it is used as an adjective. Identify other words with the –al suffix. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

16 Word Knowledge - Sentences We can learn about nature through science. Identify the word with the long i sound. science Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

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