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E Blevins1 Forget Java, We've got Lava! A Constructivist Approach CECS 5500 Summer 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "E Blevins1 Forget Java, We've got Lava! A Constructivist Approach CECS 5500 Summer 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 E Blevins1 Forget Java, We've got Lava! A Constructivist Approach CECS 5500 Summer 2000

2 E Blevins2 Are you ready to….. See volcanoes erupt? Find out where volcanoes are? Hear actual accounts of eruptions? Find out what happens to volcanic areas? Feel the shape and activity of a volcano? Find out if eruptions can be predicted?

3 E Blevins3 But are you ready to… Ask students what they know before you tell them what you know? Seek elaboration and provide wait time after questions? Provide time for concept construction and natural curiosity? Use words like classify, analyze, predict, and create? Allow student responses to shift instructional strategies?

4 E Blevins4 The role of the teacher in a constructivist learning environment shifts from that of an authority figure to that of a mentor.

5 E Blevins5 Knowledge is no longer believed to be transmitted from the teacher to the learner, knowledge construction becomes the responsibility of the learner. (Fineman &Bootz)

6 E Blevins6 Constructivist Terms Sort SiftSynthesize Question Plan Gather Evaluate Report Classify Analyze Predict Create

7 E Blevins7 Objective To create a final collaborative project that includes answers to questions submitted by group members and others

8 E Blevins8 The Research Cycle Questioning Planning Gather, Sort, Sift Synthesize Report Evaluate

9 E Blevins9 Questioning What problem needs to be solved? What decision needs to be made? What data is required? What smaller questions create the big one? What does the student already know? What is missing?

10 E Blevins10 Planning Begin to develop information-seeking strategies Determine where to search for the best information by means of determining efficiency and reliability Employ steps to protect a balanced and unbiased view Evaluate ways to use technology to collect and organize this information

11 E Blevins11 Gathering, Sorting, Sifting Retain information Anticipate questions Predict outcomes

12 E Blevins12 Synthesize Arrange Rearrange And then… Arrange Rearrange

13 E Blevins13 Report Present the “constructed” information Present the project collaboratively The group can receive extra points if they: Listen attentively to other groups Ask “appropriate” questions Provide “appropriate” comments

14 E Blevins14 Evaluate What do you like most? What do you like least? Is it complete? Is it accurate? Is it interesting? What would make it better?

15 E Blevins15 Day One Read students the written accounts of an actual eruption (available on-line) Discuss what they know and allow them to generate five questions each of the things that they want to know

16 E Blevins16 Day two Students will receive another student’s questions via a word document to begin the sort, sift, and gather process They will cut and paste general answers for three of the five questions and one of their own to the word document

17 E Blevins17 Day Three Each student will gather information on one volcanic terms. Each student will choose the term from a list as well as the method that they use to locate that information. That information will be presented to the class which will documented in all student’s journals During the selection and research time the class will be building a volcano of their own ( available on- line).

18 E Blevins18 Day Four Students will be placed in groups of three Students will begin the process of taking inventory Decide which questions need more investigation Begin gathering, sorting, and sifting again

19 E Blevins19 Day Five Chart eruption activity (available on-line) Map volcano territory (available on-line)

20 E Blevins20 Day Six Gather Sort Sift Synthesize Finalize reports

21 E Blevins21 Day Seven Take virtual visits to volcano observatories (available on-line) View slide shows of eruptions (available on-line)

22 E Blevins22 Day Eight and Day Nine Reports The presentation will be completed in groups of three The presentations can be in the form of web page, multimedia presentation, or informational brochure The presentation must include answers for five questions from the class

23 E Blevins23 Day Ten Evaluation Rubric evaluation and teacher evaluation will be used to determine a numerical grade based on information, organization, and “user friendliness”

24 E Blevins24 Resources SEARCH Smart Zones http://www.edview.com Kids Click Ask Jeeves for Kids http://www.ajkids.com SITES Volcanoes of the World http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov Volcano Worldhttp://volcano.und.nodak.edu Earth Science Foundationhttp://webserv.gsfc.nasa.gov

25 E Blevins25 Summary Take a chance Let your students help direct your learning objectives Let them help “construct” and take ownership and responsibility for their learning

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